
来源 :中国生态农业学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gorgeous1277
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研究表明不断升高的地表臭氧浓度使作物生长受抑、产量下降,但对作物品质的影响则不太清楚,特别是食味品质。本文于2009年和2010年在江苏省江都市小纪镇依托自由空气中臭氧浓度增高(free air ozoneconcentration enrichment,O3-FACE)技术平台,以本地主栽水稻品种“武运粳21”为供试材料,设置大气背景臭氧浓度和高臭氧浓度(比大气背景臭氧浓度高50%)2个水平,研究了地表臭氧浓度升高对粳稻物性和食味品质的影响。物性分析仪测定结果表明,高浓度臭氧使熟米硬度平均增加13.6%,达显著水平。食味计测定结果显示,高浓度臭氧使稻米香气、光泽、味道、口感和综合值分别下降0.8%(P>0.1)、6.2%(P<0.1)、2.6%(P<0.1)、5.1%(P<0.05)、4.3%(P<0.05),使完整性增加2.0%(P<0.05)。不同年度间稻米物性和食味品质的差异较大,但年度与臭氧间的交互作用未达显著水平。以上结果表明,未来高浓度臭氧环境下生长的稻米蒸煮后将呈变硬趋势,食味品质总体变劣。 Research shows that the rising surface ozone concentration inhibits crop growth and yields, but the impact on crop quality is not clear, especially the quality of eating. In 2009 and 2010, based on the free air ozone concentration enrichment (O3-FACE) technology platform in Xiaji town, Jiangdu city, Jiangsu province, the main inbred rice variety “Wuyunjing 21” The experimental materials were set at two levels of atmospheric background ozone concentration and high ozone concentration (50% higher than atmospheric background ozone concentration), and the effects of elevated surface ozone on the physical properties and eating quality of japonica rice were studied. The results of physical analyzer showed that the high concentration of ozone increased the hardness of cooked rice by 13.6% on average, reaching a significant level. The result of food taste measurement showed that high concentration of ozone decreased the aroma, gloss, taste, taste and integrated value of rice by 0.8% (P> 0.1), 6.2% (P <0.1), 2.6% P <0.05), 4.3% (P <0.05), and the completeness increased by 2.0% (P <0.05). The differences of physical properties and eating quality of rice in different years were significant, but the interaction between annual and ozone did not reach the significant level. The above results show that the future growth of rice in high ozone concentrations will tend to harden after cooking, and the overall quality of the food will deteriorate.
患者 2 9岁 ,住院号 15 36 2 1。因孕 42周 ,孕 2产 0 ,伴轻度妊高征于 2 0 0 0年 12月 15日入院。入院后给予解痉、降压治疗 5天 ,疗效不满意 ,也无宫缩发动。于 12月 2 1日
目的 探讨非流行区华支睾吸虫感染导致胆道外科急症的临床特点及诊治方法 .方法 对1998年1月至2007年4月中国医科大学附属盛京医院普外科收治的华支睾吸虫感染导致胆道外科急
我院 7年来对妊高征患者施行规范化管理 ,建立全面完整的治疗方案 ,采取积极、有效的救治措施 ,取得了满意的治疗效果 ,现报道如下。1 临床资料1.1 治疗对象   1993年 1