Synthesis of Diethyl Oxalate by a Coupling-Regeneration Reaction of Carbon Monoxide

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ad5260
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This article describes a process for the synthesis of diethyl oxalate by a coupling reaction of carbon monoxide, catalyzed by palladium in the presence of ethyl nitrite. The kinetics and mechanism of the coupling and regeneration reaction are also discussed. This paper presents the results of a scale-up test of the catalyst and the process based on an a priori computer simulation. This article describes a process for the synthesis of diethyl oxalate by a coupling reaction of carbon monoxide, catalyzed by palladium in the presence of ethyl nitrite. The kinetics and mechanism of the coupling and regeneration reaction are also discussed. This paper presents the results of a scale-up test of the catalyst and the process based on an a priori computer simulation.
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