Vision-based bio-inspired guidance law for small aerial vehicle

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lisky
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During predation, a flying insect can form a stealth flight path. This behavior is called motion camouflage. Based on the study results of this behavior, the perception and neurology of flying insects, a novel bio-inspired guidance law is proposed for the terminal guidance for small aerial vehicle with charge-coupled device imaging seekers. The kinematics relationship between a small aerial vehicle and target is analyzed, and a two-dimensional guidance law model is established by using artificial neural networks. To compare with the proportional guidance law, the numerical simulations are carried out in the vertical plane and in the horizontal plane respectively. The simulation results show that the ballistic of the small aerial vehicle is straighter and the normal acceleration is smaller by using the bio-inspired guidance law than by using the proportional guidance law. That is to say, the bio-inspired guidance law just uses the information of the target from the imaging seeker,but the performance of it can be better than that of the proportional guidance law. Based on the study results of this behavior, the perception and neurology of flying insects, a novel bio-inspired guidance law is proposed for the terminal guidance for small aerial vehicle with charge-coupled device imaging seekers. The kinematics relationship between a small aerial vehicle and target is analyzed, and a two-dimensional guidance law model is established by using artificial neural networks. To compare with the proportional guidance law, the numerical simulations are carried out in the vertical plane and in the horizontal plane respectively. The simulation results show that ballistic of the small aerial vehicle is straighter and the normal acceleration is smaller by using the bio-inspired guidance law than by using the proportional guidance law. That is to say, the bio-inspired guidance law just uses the information of the target from the imaging seeker, but th e performance of it can be better than that of the proportional guidance law.
6月12日,中国水稻研究所王克剑课题组和中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所李家洋课题组合作开展的研究结果在线发表于《植物生物技术杂志(Plant Biotechnology Journal)》上
近几年,每年都去一次有“山水甲天下”之美誉的广西桂林,在那醉人的山光水色中拍它10卷、20卷的,直至真切地过了把瘾之后才离去。 尽管无数中外摄影家、爱好者为桂林的山山水水竞折