
来源 :国外医学.外科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinhongtao2009
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肠道菌群失调、免疫抑制或肠粘膜受损时,肠屏障功能会受损或丧失,细菌可侵入门脉或体循环,出现细菌移居现象。从而有肠道为免疫抑制患者严重感染之源,即肠源性感染之假说。蛋白质营养不良(PM)为临床常见,与免疫功能受损和肠道菌群失调有关。酵母多糖(Zymosan)为非细菌非内毒素炎症刺激物,可激活补体,诱导全身炎症反应。 Intestinal flora, immunosuppression or damage to the intestinal mucosa, gut barrier function will be damaged or lost, bacteria can invade the portal vein or systemic circulation, the phenomenon of bacterial migration. Thus there is a gut for patients with severe immunosuppression infection, that is, the hypothesis of intestinal infection. Protein malnutrition (PM) is clinically common, impaired immune function and intestinal flora. Zymosan is a non-bacterial, non-endotoxin inflammatory stimulator that activates complement and induces a systemic inflammatory response.
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本文主要讨论切削颤振的预报方法和控制方案。在研究过渡切削过程各个动态切削参数变化规律的基础上,本文提出以特征系数M 作为预报参数,M=H_1~2·σ_F~2/σ_α~2。当M 值超