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2005年10月15日—16日,南开大学历史学院和《历史研究》编辑部在天津联合举办“中国传统社会基本问题论坛”。“论坛”特别注重中国传统社会演进的重大问题、基本脉络的认识把握与理论提升,以及学界关注的热点问题。由于议题大多是中国古代史教学科研中值得深思的共性疑难,故与会者唇枪舌剑,彼此交锋,讨论非常热烈。还在相互论难中迸发出不少智慧火花,提高和升华了理论认识。争鸣议论的热点主要是:历史观与中国传统社会研究理论范式的清理与建构,包括唯物史观、文化史观、阶级分析方法等;中国传统社会的阶段性发展与变迁,例如唐宋变革、文明冲突与中华多元一体、思想与社会的互动等;中国传统社会的基本构造、集团、分层及利益冲突整合等等。与会者普遍认为,改革开放以来,我国的史学研究突破了“五朵金花”之类的单调理论范式,在具体深入的断代研究和专门研究上取得了前所未有的成绩,应予以充分肯定。但是,倘若仅仅满足于断代或专门的具体研究,局限性较大。只有具体研究与基本问题探讨共同发展,相得益彰,才能积极推动中国古代史研究的繁荣。现将与会专家的代表性论说荟萃如下,以飨同好,以飨读者。 From October 15 to October 16, 2005, the Nankai University Historical Institute and the Editorial Department of “Historical Research” co-hosted the Forum on Basic Issues of Traditional Chinese Society in Tianjin. The Forum pays particular attention to the major issues of the evolution of traditional Chinese society, the understanding of the basic context, the promotion of theories, and the hot issues that the academic circles pay close attention to. Since most of the topics are worth pondering common problems in ancient Chinese teaching and research, the participants confused with each other and talked very enthusiastically. Still in the mutual controversy burst out a lot of wisdom spark to enhance and sublimate the theoretical understanding. The main issues of contention are the cleanup and construction of the historical paradigm and theoretical paradigm of traditional Chinese society, including the historical materialism, cultural history, class analysis, etc. The traditional development and changes of traditional Chinese society, such as the reform in the Tang and Song Dynasties, Civil conflicts and China’s pluralism, the interaction between thought and society; the basic structure of traditional Chinese society, the integration of groups, conflicts of interests and so on. Participants generally agreed that since the reform and opening up, China’s historiography has broken through the monotonous theoretical paradigm such as “Five Golden Flowers,” and has achieved unprecedented achievements in specific and thorough studies of discontinuity and specialization, which should be fully affirmed. However, if only satisfied with the detailed or specialized research, more limited. Only when specific studies and basic issues are discussed together for common development and complement each other can we actively promote the prosperity of the study of ancient Chinese history. The presentations of the experts participating in the symposium are now grouped together in the following manner to help readers.
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