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八十年代以来,各发达国家虽然已经基本建成了四通八达的现代化国家道路网,但随着社会经济的发展,路网通行能力日益满足不了交通量增长的需要,交通拥挤、阻塞现象日趋严重,交通污染与事故越来越引起社会普遍的关注。随着计算机、通讯及电子技术等的日益成熟并走向产业化,可以预见,在21世纪多媒体将被应用到社会的各个方面,信息化将成为影响社会经济发展的重要因素。在这样的背景下,日本、美国和西欧等发达国家为了解决共同所面 临的交通问题,竞相投入大量资金和人力。经过长期和广泛的研究,这些国家已从主要依靠修建更多的道路,扩大路网规模来解决日益增长的交通需求,转移到用高新技术来改造现有道路运输系统及其管理体系,从而达到大幅度提高路网通行能力和服务质量的目的。随着研究的不断深入,系统功能扩展到道路交通运输的全过程及其有关服务部门,发展成为带动整个道路交通运输现代化的“智能交通系统(Intelligent Transportation System-ITS)”。 Since the 1980s, although the developed countries have basically built a modern national road network extending in all directions, with the development of society and economy, the capacity of the road network can not meet the need of increasing traffic volume day by day. Traffic congestion and congestion have become increasingly serious. Pollution and accidents have drawn more and more attention from the society. As computers, communications and electronic technologies become more mature and industrialized, it can be foreseen that in the 21st century, multimedia will be applied to all aspects of society and information will become an important factor affecting the social and economic development. Against this backdrop, the developed countries such as Japan, the United States and Western Europe are competing for large amounts of capital and manpower to solve the traffic problems they face together. After a long and extensive study, these countries have moved from relying mainly on building more roads and expanding the scale of the road network to meet the growing demand for transportation and transforming them into high-tech ones to transform existing road transport systems and their management systems so as to achieve Dramatically improve the road network capacity and service quality purposes. With the deepening of research, the system functions have been extended to the whole process of road transport and its related service departments, and have become the “Intelligent Transportation System-ITS” driving the modernization of road transport.
加拿大的光电子产业主要集中在通信及其应用方面。最有代表性的是加拿大北方电信公司(Northern Telecon Canada),研究中心设在贝尔北方研究所。此外,还有许多较小规模的生产
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八角(Illicium Verum Hook.f.)属八角科八角属植物,是北热带和南亚热带的珍贵经济树种。八角的经济价值很高,其果具有浓郁的香味,是我国人民喜爱的调味香料之一。八角的果皮