Post-collisional lithosphere delamination of the Dabie-Sulu orogen

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hzwn001
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The consistence between the first rapid cooling time (226-219 Ma) of the untrahigh pressure metamorphic (UHPM) rocks in the Dabie Mountains and the formation time (205-220 Ma) of the syncollisional granites in the Qinling and Sulu areas suggests that the first rapid cooling and uplift of the UHPM rocks may be related to breakoff of subducted plate. Therefore the second rapid cooling and uplift (180-170 Ma) of the UHPM racks needs a post-colli-sional lithosphere delamination which resulted in the granitic magmatism with an age of about 170 Ma. In addition, the rapid rising of the Dabie dome in the early Cretaceous (130-110 Ma) and the corresponding large-scale magmatism in the Dabie Mountains need another litho-sphere delamination. The geochronology of the post-collis-ional mafic-ultramafic intrusions and geological relationship between the mafic-ultramafic intrusions and granites suggest that partial melting was initiated in the mantle, and then progressively developed in the crust, suggesting a mantle u The consistence between the first rapid cooling time (226-219 Ma) of the untrahigh pressure metamorphic (UHPM) rocks in the Dabie Mountains and the formation time (205-220 Ma) of the syncollisional granites in the Qinling and Sulu areas suggests that the first rapid cooling and uplift of the UHPM rocks may be related to breakoff of subducted plates. Thus the second rapid cooling and uplift (180-170 Ma) of the UHPM racks needs a post-colli-sional lithosphere delamination which resulted in the granitic magmatism with an age of about 170 Ma. In addition, the rapid rising of the Dabie dome in the early Cretaceous (130-110 Ma) and the corresponding large-scale magmatism in the Dabie Mountains need another litho-sphere delamination. The geochronology of the post-collis-ional mafic-ultramafic intrusions and geological relationship between the mafic-ultramafic intrusions and granites suggest that partial melting was initiated in the mantle, and then progressively developed in the crust, su ggesting a mantle u
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