今年以来,四川省达县人武部针 对“下海”、“打工”浪潮对民兵组织建 设的巨大冲击,及时采取对策,保证了 年度民兵整组工作的顺利完成,促进 了民兵组织大面积落实。 ——以早对“早”,把住时机。该县 针对今年民兵外出回乡过年早,出门 早的情况,对整组工作早部署,区乡早 安排,村社早行动,把整组工作放到大 批民兵回家过节后和集中外出务工之 前进行。该县人武部在94年元旦前就 提早部署了全县整组工作;各区、乡在
Since the beginning of this year, Daxian People's Armed Police Department of Sichuan Province has taken prompt measures to address the huge impact of the “wave” and “migrant workers” waves on the construction of the militia and ensured the smooth completion of the entire annual work of the militia and promoted the large-scale implementation of the militia. - Early to “early”, to save time. In response to this year's militia returning home to return to work early this year and going out early, the county early deployment of the entire group of work, district and township arrangements as early as possible, the village agency early action, the entire group of work into mass militia home after the holiday and focus on migrant workers get on. The county People's Armed Forces early deployment of the county's entire group of work before New Year's Day in 94; all districts and townships in the