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为纪念抗战胜利暨反法西斯战争胜利70周年,2015年9月8日,上海戏剧学院举办了“文化抗战——民族危亡中的中国戏剧人”国际学术研讨会。会上,与会代表围绕“文化抗战”这一主题进行了深入的讨论。大会由上海戏剧学院副院长郭宇主持,上海戏剧学院院长韩生到会并致辞。韩生院长说,70年前无数中华儿女的浴血奋战换来了今天的和平生活。在抗战胜利70周年的日子,举办这样一次学术研讨会,不仅仅是对特定历史时期戏剧艺术的专业 To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the Anti-Fascist War, on September 8, 2015, the Shanghai Theater Academy held an international symposium entitled “Culture Anti-Japanese War - The Chinese Dramatians in National Danger”. At the meeting, delegates discussed in depth the theme of “Cultural War Against Japan.” The meeting was presided over by Guo Yu, vice president of Shanghai Theater Academy. Han Sheng, dean of Shanghai Theater Academy, addressed the meeting and delivered a speech. The dean of the Korean Health Institute said that numerous bloody battles of the sons and daughters of China 70 years ago came to today’s peaceful life. On the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, such a seminar was held, not only for the professional theater arts in a particular historical period
安全气囊在汽车发生严重碰撞时,能有效地保证架乘人员的安全。本文介绍了安全气囊的种类、原理及检修事项。 Airbag in the car when a serious collision, can effectively
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美国麻萨诸塞州波士顿市儿童医 Children’s Hospital Boston, Massachusetts, USA
神户Kennametal最近开发出两种高速铣削用刀片,牌号为“KC792M”和“KC992M”。 ①KC792M:采用CVD涂层后,再进行PVD涂层,这种方式可最大限度地发挥两种涂层的优点。CVD涂层物
原广东省电白县工商局博贺工商所所长,2004年6月28日病逝,年仅40岁黄明光生前是广东省电白县工商局博贺工商所所长,2005年2月23日, Former Guangdong Bo Bai Industrial and