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骨组织的生长发育受到力学因素的调控.对大鼠颅盖骨中分离出的成骨细胞施加周期性拉伸刺激,结果表明500微应变的加载明显促进了细胞的增殖,而1000和1500微应变的拉伸抑制了细胞的增殖.各应变水平的拉伸增加了细胞与基底间的黏附力和细胞的铺展面积.用荧光探针Fluo-3/AM测定拉伸对成骨细胞胞内Ca2+浓度的影响.发现在500微应变下拉伸5min后成骨细胞胞内Ca2+浓度比对照组有明显增加.用三七总皂苷阻断胞内Ca2+通道后,成骨细胞对应变的响应仍表现出胞内Ca2+浓度的升高;但与未加三七总皂苷的加载组相比,胞内Ca2+浓度响应应变后的升高由原来的92.9%的增加降低到28.6%的增加.说明在成骨细胞响应周期性拉仲应变的过程中胞内Ca2+浓度的升高既有胞外钙内流的参与,也有胞内钙库的释放作用,其中胞外钙通过跨膜通道的内流起主要作用. The growth and development of bone tissue were regulated by mechanical factors.Improvement of the osteoblasts isolated from the calvaria of rats resulted in a periodical tensile stimulation and the results showed that the loading of 500 microtitres obviously promoted the proliferation of cells, Strain elongation inhibited cell proliferation.The elongation at each strain level increased cell-to-substrate adhesion and cell spreading area.Using fluorescence probe Fluo-3 / AM to measure the effect of stretching on intracellular Ca2 + The results showed that the intracellular Ca2 + concentration of osteoblasts increased significantly after stretching for 5 min under 500 microtitres.Compared with the control group, the intracellular Ca2 + channels were blocked by Panax notoginseng saponins, and the response of osteoblasts to strain was still observed Intracellular Ca2 + concentration increased; but compared with the non-added group, the increase of intracellular Ca2 + concentration in response to strain decreased from 92.9% to 28.6% The increase of intracellular Ca2 + concentration in osteoblasts in response to periodic pull-in strain has the involvement of extracellular calcium influx as well as the release of intracellular calcium stores, in which the influx of extracellular calcium through the transmembrane channels plays a major role effect.
采用化学溶液法, 溶解分散H3BO3, CO(NH2)2及α-Si3N4微粉制成悬浮液, 干燥后以氢还原氮化法制备出纳米氮化硼包覆微米氮化硅的Si3N4/BN纳米复合粉体. 利用X射线衍射(XRD)和
什么是完成端口?完成端口IOCP的全称为I/O Completion Port.IOCP 是一个异步I/O的API,它可以高效地将I/O事件通知给应用程度.
Bilingual public signs are extensively used in Chinese-speaking regions such as Mainland China,Taiwan and Hong Kong.This article concentrates on issues relating