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闽北是福建省稻瘟病主要流行地区。1972年以来珍汕97和窄叶青8号两个抗瘟品种的推广,曾有效地控制了稻瘟病的流行。但据近年各地群众反映和我们调查,发现这两个抗瘟品种在部分地区抗瘟性已逐渐丧失,由高抗品种变为高感品种,给生产造成严重损失。为此,我们对上述两个抗稻瘟病品种抗性丧失的过程、抗病性丧失的原因作了初步调查,并提出防止抗瘟性丧失和延长抗瘟品种使用年限的意见,现把材料整理如下,以供参考。 品种抗瘟性丧失的过程 1、珍汕97:系浙江温州地区农科所用珍珠矮×汕矮选4号杂交育成的早稻品种。1971年闽北地区稻瘟病大流行年,该品种在多点试种,对稻瘟病表现高抗。在崇安 Fujian is the main epidemic area of ​​rice blast in Fujian Province. The promotion of two anti-blast varieties of Zhenshan 97 and Narrow Yeqing 8 since 1972 has effectively controlled the epidemic of rice blast. However, according to the surveys and surveys conducted by the masses in various places in recent years, it has been found that the resistance of these two anti-blast varieties has been gradually lost in some areas, from high resistant varieties to highly susceptible varieties, causing serious losses to production. Therefore, we conducted a preliminary investigation on the process of resistance loss and the loss of disease resistance of the two blast-resistant cultivars and put forward the suggestion of preventing the loss of blast resistance and prolonging the service life of the blast-resistant variety. Now, As below, for reference. Varieties of the process of loss of resistance to blast 1, Zhenshan 97: Department of agriculture in Zhejiang Province in Zhejiang Province pearl short × Shanyuan selected 4 hybrid early rice varieties. In 1971, in the northern part of Fujian Province during the rice blast pandemic, the variety was tested at multiple sites and showed high resistance to rice blast. In Chong’an
新疆属典型的大陆性气候,冬季严寒多雪,夏季炎 热少雨,昼夜温差大,白天日照长,全靠引水灌溉,适 宜于棉花的生长发育。为了夺取棉花高产,当前各单位一般从苗期开始进行人工和
春节前的一天,伴随着急促的脚步声,一位中年男子抱着一个小孩来到急诊室,哭着说:“救救我的孩子,求求你们了…” 原来,患儿系早产儿,有病3天,体温不升、拒乳、呼吸困难。经
我场耕地面积5000余亩,林带占1200亩,五分之四的林带为杨树。双尾舟蛾主要危害杨 柳树,是我场林带主要害虫之一。 据观察双尾舟蛾羽化、产卵不整齐。四月二十日左右是产卵初
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