Guided modes in the chiral negative refractive index fiber

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daxiaa
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The novel characteristics of guided modes in the chiral negative refractive index fiber are investigated theoretically in this letter.We derive the characteristic equation of guided modes.Based on two types of chiral metamaterial parameters,we present the dispersion curves,energy flux,and power of guided modes.Some abnormal features,such as the existence of surface mode and dispersion curves with different shapes,intersection of dispersion curves of different guided modes,negative energy flux in the achiral cladding,and zero power at some normalized frequencies,are found in the chiral negative refractive index fiber. The novel characteristics of guided modes in the chiral negative refractive index fiber are considered theoretically in this letter. We derive the characteristic equation of guided modes.Based on two types of chiral metamaterial parameters, we present the dispersion curves, energy flux, and power of guided modes.Some abnormal features, such as the existence of surface mode and dispersion curves with different shapes, intersection of dispersion curves of different guided modes, negative energy flux in the achiral cladding, and zero power at some normalized frequencies, are found in the chiral negative refractive index fiber.
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