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近代中国边疆学术研究的两次高潮,分别以清季道咸时期的西北史地研究和20世纪30~40年代的边疆研究为代表。二者虽各有特点,但更多的则是因应时局之变而起,又因时局之变而止,具有明显的因应时局性。前者既有对乾嘉考据的传承与对经世致用的追求,也有学人与时局互动的努力,终究还是传统士人以传统学术应对新时代、新问题而成为传统史地研究的绝响;后者在时局危难与近代学术潮流的互动中,虽有促使“边疆热”向“边政学”完成近代转型之功,但又因时局更易动荡而湮没无果;学人也在与边疆时局、学术的互动中尽显个人生命的不同群像与生命样态。近代时局、学术与学人的互动与嬗变说明:作为一个时代印记、一个学术领域、一个学人群体的近代中国边疆学术研究,相当程度上反映了时势相迫、学术更易与学人分化的嬗变过程。 The two climaxes of the academic research on modern China’s frontier are represented respectively by the research on the history of Northwest China in the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty and the frontier studies of the period from the 30s to the 40s of the 20th century. Although both have their own characteristics, more are due to the change of the current situation and the change of the current situation, with a clear response to the current situation. The former has both the inheritance of the Qian-Jia textual research and its pursuit for the sake of the world, as well as the efforts of the scholars to interact with the current situation. After all, the traditional scholar’s response to the new epoch and the new problems with the traditional scholarship has become the sound of the study of the traditional history In the interaction between the crisis of the times and the modern academic trend, the latter promoted the success of the transformation of the modern economy by “frontier hot” and “frontier politics”, but it was also annihilated and annihilated because of the turmoil in the current situation; Scholars also show different group images and life style of individual life in the interaction with the current situation in frontier and academia. Modern Times, the Interaction and Evolution of Scholars and Academics: As an era imprint, an academic field and a group of scholars in modern China’s frontier academic researches reflect, to a considerable extent, the coercion of the times and the academic differentiation from the scholars Evolution process.
【正】 早在石器时代,随着生产力的逐步发展,人们开始把猎获的野猪驯养成家猪,出现了原始的养猪业。反映我国新右器时代养猪历史的考古资料,为数是很丰富的。在距今六、七千