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以北海北部Gullfaks、Visund、Kvitebjorn和Huldra油气田为例,通过改变断层泥比率(SGR)模拟得出4个油气田的地质储量,将此数据与各油气田实际地质储量对比,直至得到最大概率断层属性模型。研究还发现,SGR对气藏的影响比油藏更大。Gullfaks油气田的油藏由3条主断层控制,第1条是油气田的边界断层,为一条非封闭断层,SGR为10%;第2条断层位于油气田的更南部,是一条封闭性断层;第3条位于油气田北部,为非封闭断层。Visund油气田中,油气藏由一条北东—南西走向的非封闭性断层所控制。Kvitebjorn油气田也是由一条环绕油田的北东—南西走向的断层控制着油气田中的油气成藏,其SGR为30%。Huldra油气田的天然气成藏由两条北西走向的断层控制,第1条断层位于该油气田西部,SGR为40%。断层属性,尤其是断层SGR值,对油气从烃源岩至储集层的运移路径有重大影响。 Taking the Gullfaks, Visund, Kvitebjorn and Huldra fields in the northern North Sea as an example, the geologic reserves of four fields are obtained by changing the ratio of fault mud (SGR). The data are compared with the actual geological reserves of each field until the maximum probability fault attribute model . The study also found that SGR has a greater impact on gas reservoirs than reservoirs. The reservoir of the Gullfaks oil and gas field is controlled by three major faults. The first one is the boundary fault of the oil and gas field and is a non-closed fault with a SGR of 10%. The second fault is located in the southern part of the oil and gas field and is a closed fault. Section 3 The strip is located in the northern part of the oil and gas field and is a non-enclosed fault. In the Visund field, reservoirs are controlled by a northerly-southwesterly unconformable fault. The Kvitebjorn oil and gas field is also controlled by the NE-NW strike fault of a surrounding oil and gas reservoir with 30% SGR. The natural gas accumulation in the Huldra field is controlled by two NW-trending faults. The first fault is located in the western part of the field with a SGR of 40%. Fault attributes, especially the fault SGR, have a significant impact on the migration path of oil and gas from source rocks to reservoirs.
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糖尿病(DM)是一组以长期慢性高血糖为特征的代谢疾病群,随着病程的延长,可出现广泛的微血管、大血管及神经病变,导致多个器官组织病变及功 Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a gro