GFP tracking transcriptional activity endogenous p53: vector construction and application in genotox

来源 :中国人民解放军军医大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:angelgsj
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To establish a sensitive.and specific system for genotoxicity detection in vivo. Methods: Endogenous p53 tracer vector p53RE was constructed by using green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reporter to trace p53 transcriptional activity under the control of base SV40 early promoter. The tracer cells 3T3-REG were established by transfecting NIH3T3 cells with tracer vector and treated with ultraviolet, H202 and adriamycin to induce DNA damage and the subsequent endogenous p53 expression. The GFP expression and its green fluorescence in the tracer cells were observed and measured with fluorescent microscope and FACS. Results: The GFP expression increased rapidly after various treatment and reached the maximum 1 h later, and decreased gradually afterwards. FACS analysis showed that GFP expression in 3T3-REG tracer cells was consistent with the concentration of H202, while that in 3T3-SVG cells, which were transfected with control vector pSV-GFP, hardly increased in response to the treatment. Conclusion: GFP tracing p53 transcriptional activity is a sensitive and specific method for genotoxicity detection.
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