
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ggqllm555
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Objective: Persistence of human papillomavirus (HPV) is associated with an increased risk of developing cervical SIL and cancer in young women. Because this association in older, postmenopausal age women has received little attention, we evaluated persistence of HPV among women in this age group.Methods: Women (n=105) ages 45- 64 were examined annually for 7 years to evaluate HPV in cervical cytologic specimens. PCR, dot blot hybridization and DNA sequencing were used to detect HPV types.Results: The cumulative prevalence of HPV was 34% , and 24% had HPV high risk oncogenic types which are associated with genital cancers. The most common oncogenic types were HPV- 16 (72% ) and HPV- 31 (16% ). The persistence rate of HPV infection was 16% . No specific risk factors were associated with repeat viral positivity.Conclusion: Postmenopausal women are infected with persistent oncogenic HPV at a substantial rate, supporting the need for continued screening in postmenopausal women to detect preneoplastic genital lesions. Objective: Persistence of human papillomavirus (HPV) is associated with an increased risk of developing cervical SIL and cancer in young women. Because this association in older, postmenopausal age women has received little attention, we evaluated persistence of HPV among women in this age group HPV, cervical blot hybridization and DNA sequencing were used to detect HPV types. Results: The cumulative prevalence of HPV was The most common oncogenic types were HPV-16 (72%) and HPV-31 (16%). The persistence rate of HPV infection was 16%, and 24% had HPV high risk oncogenic types which are associated with genital cancers. No specific risk factors were associated with repeat viral positivity. Confc: Postmenopausal women are infected with persistent oncogenic HPV at a substantial rate, supporting the need for continued screening in postmenopausal women to detect preneoplastic genital lesions.
我院于1974年开始选用呋喃唑酮(即痢特灵)治疗伤寒,初步认为效果满意,现就资料完整的32例小结如下。一、临床资料: 32例中男性25例,女性7例;儿童10例,成人22例,其中最小的8
前天,单位一个妹子问我:你知道二十一世纪最伟大的发明是什么吗?问完还嘿嘿坏笑。我有点不明所以,说了一大堆科技产品。她说都不对,21世纪最伟大的发明是表情包。  听完这个答案我愣了几秒钟,接着恍然大悟。她指的是在文字聊天中,现在越来越流行的各种图片表情。表情包是我们这个时代的语言。不信,你打开自己的手机,看看自己与他人的聊天记录,一定可以在其中看到许多表情。  与这些表情一起流行开来的,还有各种各样