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吃是新陈代谢的需要,吃是生命活动的特征。对于万物之灵的人类来说,饮食具有无比重要的意义,以至于每天都离不开它。有人测算,一个人如果活到80岁,那在这80个年头里,咽下去的各种饮食之品,加起来竟有自身体重的1500倍哩。可吃的食物何止千万种,大体可把它们归纳为动物性食物和植物性食物两大类。然而,正 Eating is the need of metabolism, eating is the characteristic of life activity. For humans of all spirits, diet is of immense importance so that it can not be separated from it everyday. It is estimated that if a person lives to 80 years old, then in these 80 years, swallowed a variety of diet products, add up to have their own body weight 1500 times miles. More than 10 million kinds of food can be eaten, generally can be summarized into two categories of animal foods and plant foods. However, positive
1964年10月的一天中午,时任北京市副市长的万里按约定时间驱车来到人民大会堂,接市委第一书记兼市长彭真回机关,以便在途中 One day in October 1964 at noon, when the vic