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许海峰从小生长在一个军人家庭,早识枪支,因此他爱枪。高中毕业后,随社会潮流,他走上上山下乡之路。一天只挣几毛线,他把钱积攒起来,终于买到了一支心爱的气步枪。这是他最钟爱的猎物。从此,枪声伴他成长,慰藉着一颗爱枪人的心。他在农村劳动,下工便抓起枪来,走进山野,那树上的麻雀、田里的石子、路边的烟头、水淀里的荷叶,都成了他瞄准的靶子。许海峰22岁那年,歇冬的时候,带着枪回到了安徽老家。一天,他在附近山上转 Xu Haifeng grew up in a military family, recognizing guns, so he loves a gun. After graduating from high school, with the social trend, he embarked on the road down the mountain countryside. Only earn a few wool yarn a day, he saved up the money, and finally bought a beloved air rifle. This is his favorite prey. Since then, gunshots grew with him, comforting a love of human heart. When he was working in the countryside, he took a gun and went into the mountains and fields. The sparrows in the trees, the stones in the fields, the cigarette butts on the roadside, and the lotus leaves in the water were the targets of his sight. At the age of 22, Xu Haifeng returned to his hometown with a gun at the time of break in winter. One day, he turned around in the nearby mountains
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  It is important to stratify patient population such that the treatment effect is different for different subgroups of patients.The stratification can be use