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一、青少年篮球运动员体能训练的内涵及构成20世纪80年代中后期,在体育科技文献和报刊上经常会看到体能一词。近几年由于国内篮球水平发展迅速,联赛水平的提高,比赛的激烈程度和身体对抗的不断增加,对运动员体能要求也就越来越高。所以,体能训练也自然成为我国体育界的一个热点话题。但是,由于对体能训练的定义有着不同的理解,所以在体能训练方面存在着很大的误区,训练方法也是比较单一简单化。运动员机体的基本运动能力称之为运动员的体能。身体形态、身 First, young basketball players physical training connotation and composition The late 1980s, sports science and technology literature and newspapers often see the word physical fitness. In recent years, due to the rapid development of domestic basketball, the league level to raise the intensity of competition and physical confrontation continues to increase, physical fitness requirements for athletes will be higher and higher. Therefore, physical training naturally become a hot topic in the sports world. However, due to the different understanding of the definition of physical training, there is a big misunderstanding in physical training, and the training method is also simple and simplistic. The athlete’s basic athletic ability is called athlete’s physical ability. Body shape, body
We take an improvement research of synchronization in process of control rod drive mechanism(CRDM)inversion.An experimental prototype is designed based on the s
The optical model potential(OMP)is one of basic elements in the study of nuclear reactions.It is well known that the OMPs are closely related to the internal st
The CYCIAE-100 cyclotron developed by the BRIF project group had finished installation of its main equipments and parts in 2012.The field mapping of the main ma
A nuclear astrophysics experiment was performed at CRIB(CNS low-energy Radioactive-Ion Beam separator)on Mar.2011.The goal of this experiment is to study the re
This neutron spectrometer can be used to measure neutron spectrum and neutron equivalent dosimetry.The range of neutron spectrum is thermal-20 MeV,and the range
As the last batch of solidification barrels arriving at the repository on May 5th,2013,the outward transport disposal stage I of radioactive cement solidificati