
来源 :现代职业教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gkchenvip
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为了有效解决近年来农业学校涉农专业生源萎缩、招生难的问题。充分拓展学校农林专业的生存和发展空间。同时帮助红河州贫困山区找到产业发展方向。发挥红河州区域内受地形影响,“小气候”多样,热带、亚热带林果产业发展趋于成熟的优势,寻找高寒山区(特别是石漠化地区)脱贫之路。“以研助产,以产助学办学模式”的应用,探索出与该区气候适应而且经济效益又好的林果品种,找到了人民群众脱贫的产业发展方向,改变了农业产业发展中人才贫乏的状态。多年来红河州农业学校虽然专业教师多,也有科研成果,却忽略了对外宣传推广,科研成果大多止步于校门,农林专业毕业生就业难或不愿意对口就业。“以研助产,以产助学办学模式”实现了农林类专业人才与产业发展的良好对接,推动了学校农林专业科研人员的成果转化。“以研助产,以产助学办学模式”推动了区域产业的对路开发和新兴产业的诞生,实现了产业开发、人才培养、技术研究的有效衔接,技术推广促进产业发展,产业发展带动办学和人才培养,使“产教研”形成良性循环,既解决了学校的办学难题,又为当地发展产业脱贫找到了新路子。 In order to effectively solve the agriculture-related agriculture in agriculture professionals shrinking students, enrollment difficult problem. Fully expand the school of agriculture and forestry professional survival and development space. At the same time help Honghe Prefecture to find the direction of industrial development in poor mountainous areas. In the area of ​​Honghe Prefecture, we will take advantage of topography, diversification of microclimate and the maturity of the tropical and subtropical fruit industry to find a way out of poverty in mountainous areas (especially in rocky desertification areas). “To research and develop production in order to help schools run mode ” application, to explore and adapt to the climate and good economic benefits of the fruit varieties in the area, to find the people out of poverty, the direction of industrial development, changing the development of agricultural industry The state of talented people. Over the years, although Honghe Prefecture Agricultural School has a large number of professional teachers and scientific research achievements, it neglects the promotion and promotion of science and technology. Most of the achievements in scientific research have stopped at school. Employment of agriculture and forestry graduates is difficult or unwilling to match their counterparts. “In order to research and produce, in order to help school model ” Achieved a good docking of agriculture and forestry professionals and industrial development, and promote the transformation of the results of the school of agriculture and forestry professionals. “In order to research and develop production, in order to help school model ” To promote the development of the regional industry and the birth of emerging industries, to achieve effective development of industrial development, personnel training, technical research, technology promotion to promote industrial development, industry Driven by development and driven by education and personnel training, the “production, teaching and research” has formed a virtuous circle that not only solved the school running difficulties but also found a new way for the local development of industries to lift themselves out of poverty.
(贵州省凯里市第六幼儿园)  摘 要:幼儿园的班角色区域材料投放是开启幼儿游戏乐园的大门,幼儿阶段正是对未知社会充满好奇的一个阶段,作为一位幼儿园老师,我们要做到的就是合理地投放材料来帮助幼儿的身心发展。区域活动正是幼儿通过对材料的选择、认识、操作来促进自身对社会认知力的一种途径,投放丰富、可塑、有趣的材料是开展班角色游戏的前提,合理的选择和恰当的投放是幼儿开展游戏的重要保障。  关键词:材料;选