First, the problem is raised in the world today, the total amount of knowledge is growing rapidly. At present, there are only three or four hundred or hundreds of thousands of reading texts in the six years of primary school. How can we cultivate the reading ability adapted to the times? Looking at the domestic reading teaching, intensive reading guidance in class, and lack of out-of-class reading guidance It is only required to read and read, and reading in class is two different things. What is the difference between classroom and extracurricular classes and how can students improve their reading skills? In recent years, the development of Internet technology has made the Internet the largest resource base in the world, and massive amounts of knowledge information are organized in hyperlinks. Extremely conducive to search. However, the book resources of schools and families existed in many areas in name only, and the use efficiency was extremely low. Emphasis on cultivating students’ ability to collect information and process information is the call of the times, but the reality is more to teach students the skills of collecting information. For students who need a high level of intelligence to deal with information and use information, they are not properly trained and lack the guidance they need.