Types of Games Teaching

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  Nowadays, we notice that some pupils who learn English lose their interest and show negative attitude towards English learning. In order to deal with this problem, teachers have to explore ways to arouse the learners’ interest and make English teaching effective.
  One useful strategy to encourage language acquisition is using language games which are defined as a form of playing concerning rules, competition, and an element of fun. This paper, we’re going to talk types of games. There are four types of games as cooperative games, competitive games, communication games and code-control games, which has been greatly adopted and will be stressed as following:
  The first one is Cooperative Games. In this type of game, the main action is centered in trying to reach the aim in cooperation. Players or teams work together towards the common goal (Jill Hadfield, 1999). This type of game is excellent to encourage the shy students, since it requires the participation of all the members of a team, group or pair. Some typical activities may include the completion of a drawing, putting things in order, grouping things, finding pairs or finding hidden things. Students are involved in the exchange of information to complete the task and in giving instructions.
  The second one is Competitive Games. In this kind of games, players or teams race to be the first to reach the goal. As the name indicates, in this type of game there is an overt competition between teams, or sometimes of an individual against the rest of the class (as in 20questions). The competition may also be of individuals against other individuals. The object of this type of game is finishing of reaching the end before the other competitors, making more points, surviving elimination, or avoiding penalties. The rules may require the players to produce correct language as part of the game and force students to draw conclusions more quickly.
  The third one is Communication Games. The main objective in this type of the games is getting the message over to the other players and reacting appropriately to their messages. For example when giving instructions, the player must be clear about rules, and the player following them must do exactly what he is required to. The tasks are usually practical, like following instructions, drawing, persuading other players, etc. this means that players will concentrate on the task rather than on the language, besides, students can see the results of their use of language at once, which will help to build students’ confidence.
  The fourth one is Code-control Games. This type of game requires that students produce correct language: structures, spelling, pronunciation, etc. the production of correct language will make the players of the team win points.
  Games have the ability to capture students’ attention; lower students’ stress; give students the chance for real communication. It is easy to maintain a high degree of motivation and to make the English class into an enjoyable and stimulating experience for the children. Teachers should adopt appropriate game-teaching approaches to make our language teaching more effective.
  Reference:Jill Hadfield, (1999). Elementary communication games .Oxford University Press.
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一提起作文,一些学生就有畏惧感,特别是阅读量少的同学大多都是如此,这使作文教学成了“老大难”。作文教学突破心理障碍,跨越畏惧,是一个重要的课题。  如何跨越呢?我想,正如毛泽东同志所说,在战略上藐视,在战术上重视。也就是要让学生认识到作文是生活的反映,它实质上就是言,行,看,想的表述,让学生从思想上不要怕它。  具体的作文教学中,应该重视每一次训练,重视每一次训练的设计。给学生以梯子,给学生以机会
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