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7月1日,《行政许可法》已正式施行。这不但直接改变了行政管理者的理念,改变了旧有的管理模式,而且也改变着被管理者的地位和生活。行政许可法规定,行政许可的设置权只有国务院、省自治区直辖市人大及其常委会及较大城市人大及其常委会、省区市人民政府三个层次的国家机关可以行使;行政机关做出许可后,确需改变已经生效的行政许可,也要依法进行;行政许可法确立了审批“不收费原则”行政机关提供行政许可申请书格式文本都不得收取费用。 July 1, “Administrative Permission Act” has been officially implemented. This not only directly changed the concept of administrators, changed the old management mode, but also changed the status and life of the managers. The Administrative Licensing Law stipulates that the right to set administrative licensing is exercised only by the state organs at the three levels including the NPC and its standing committees, the NPC and its standing committees, and the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities; the administrative organ may grant permission After the change, it is necessary to change the administrative license already in force, but also according to law; the Administrative Permission Law has established the examination and approval “no-charge principle.” Administrative agencies that provide administrative permission should not charge fees for the format of the application.
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放暑假的时候,给我家送报的换成了一个十七八岁的少年。我家住六楼,每天清早八点多钟的时候,便有一阵轻捷的脚步声急急地上楼来。不论晴天雨天,他都来得很准时。门没开的时候,他轻轻地把报纸塞进报筒。门虚掩着的时候,他便会礼貌地喊一声:“万老师,报纸来了!”  我曾与他闲聊过,得知他每天凌晨五点就起床,每天要为两百多户人家送报,而且都是楼房住户,他每天要爬一万八千多级台阶。  骄阳似火,送报的少年每天大汗淋
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9月22日,十堰市档案馆爱国主义教育基地和现行文件服务中心正式挂牌。 上午9时30分,十堰市委副书记关小兰,省档案局副局(馆)长吴绪成,市委常委、常务副市长杨朝中,市委常委