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1.彻底排除“左”的影响,废除“半农半医”制度 乡村医生应成为我国医务人员中的一部分,不能把他们看作是“半农半医”而入另册。现在,有的地区还是沿用“半农半医”的老办法,报酬低廉,大部分靠其他工作挣一点钱来维持日常生活之需要。乡村医生的社会地位和经济报酬应该得到保障和提高,让他们真正成为在基层卫生战线上名符其实的知识分子,决不能搞“半农半医”,也不能是“赤脚的医生”。 2.提高乡村医生的业务素质 其一,可以由上级主管部门组织安排一些有一定水准的,系统性的病案分析、医学新进展、手术讲座等,并定期进行考查,使他们拓宽知识面,接受新知识,掌握新技术,这对于丰富他们的临床经验是不可缺少的。其二,是参加函授教育。目前在医疗方面的函授教育较多,但最好有卫生行政部门举办高质量的、能承认其学历的函授教育,在函授期间要有组织引导,并且成立学 1. Completely rule out the influence of “Left” and abolish the system of “Half agriculture and semi-medicine” Rural doctors should become part of the medical staff in China. They should not be regarded as “agricultural and semi-medicine” and enter a separate volume. At present, some areas still follow the old method of “agricultural and semi-medicine” and have low remuneration. Most of them rely on other jobs to earn some money to maintain their daily needs. The rural doctors’ social status and economic rewards should be guaranteed and improved so that they can truly become well-known intellectuals on the grass-roots health front. They must not engage in “agricultural and semi-medicine” or “bare doctors.” 2. Improve the professional quality of rural doctors Firstly, higher-level competent authorities may organize certain systematic and systematic medical record analysis, new medical advances, surgical lectures, etc., and conduct regular examinations to broaden their knowledge and acceptance. New knowledge and mastery of new technologies are indispensable for enriching their clinical experience. The second is to participate in correspondence education. At present, there are many correspondence education programs in the medical field, but it is better to have a health administrative department to organize high-quality correspondence education that can recognize their academic qualifications, organize guidance during correspondence periods, and establish studies.
每次来纽约都要拜访黄蕙英(Dora wong)女士,我崇尚她卓越不群、善良聪慧、直爽开朗又幽默风趣的个性,总是带给人以祥和与愉悦的个人魅力。我更是钦佩她天下无敌的中国宫廷画
阳春三月,乍暖还寒。忙碌了一整天,窗外不时传来阵阵细雨声。我们心里思索着,这春雨是否昭示着未来的丰收与喜悦……。 时至今日,《实用影音技术》杂志已走过了二十余个春秋
扶正固本合剂是根据我院肿瘤科周美秀副主任医师提供的协定处方研制而成 ,用于治疗癌症的院内制剂。大量的临床验证表明其具有解毒抗癌 ,提高免疫力 ,降低放化疗副作用等疗效