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随着抗生素的迅速发展,该类药物使用量剧增[1]。在治疗疾病过程中,抗生素应用率居各类之首[2]。近年来随着《抗生素临床应用指导原则》和《处方管理办法》的实施。临床合理使用抗生素问题在各级医疗机构得到了广泛重视。为了更深了解我院抗生素的应用情况,提高医院用药水平,笔? With the rapid development of antibiotics, the use of such drugs increased dramatically [1]. In the treatment of disease, antibiotic application rate ranks first in all categories [2]. In recent years, with the “guidelines for the clinical application of antibiotics” and “prescription management approach”. The rational use of antibiotics clinically at all levels of medical institutions has received widespread attention. In order to better understand the application of antibiotics in our hospital, improve the level of hospital medication, pen?
安监总应急[2009]145号各省、自治区、直辖市及新疆生产建设兵团安全生产监督管理局,各省级煤矿安全监察机构,有关中央企业: 2009年7月23日凌晨3时左右,四川省甘孜州康定县舍
摘 要高中历史在新课改背景下需要不断创新改革,面对新的更高的要求,落后的教学方式已经不适于现代人才的培养,面对高中阶段巨大的学习压力,如何做好课堂教学已经成为高中历史教学研究的重点内容之一,各种新的有特色的教学方式也不断提出并被运用,讨论式教学方式就是其中之一,本文就讨论式教学方法进行研究,促进其在高中历史课堂中的应用,提升高中历史教学质量。  【关键词】历史教学;高中教育教学;讨论式教学方法  
目的建立测定人血清中那格列奈浓度的高效液相色谱法。方法血清中加入内标后经固相萃取,色谱柱为AlltechApollo C_(18)(4.6×250mm,5μm)。流动相:乙腈-水相(0.1%三乙胺,H_3P
盐碱地是盐地和碱地的合称,盐地是盐分(氯化物或硫酸盐)含量高的土壤,但土壤不一定呈碱性。碱地是碳酸盐或重碳酸盐含量高的土壤,一般呈碱性。 Saline is a combination of
[Objective]The paper was to study optimum chemical agents and control periods against rice false smut( Ustilaginoidea virens) in single cropping middle-late ric
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Two new glycosides named as ternatoside A 1 and ternatoside B 2 were isolated from the roots of Ranunculus ternatus, the structures were determined by 1D and 2D