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“红军不怕远征难,万水干山只等闲……” 站在陕北这块红军曾经播种收获过的黄土地上,心中默诵着脸炙人口、惊天地、泣鬼神的壮丽史诗,纵目这曾经贫脊土地上的万里良田,我胸中汹涌澎湃着两幅悲壮、雄伟的画卷; 一幅是:红军将士吃野菜、啃树皮、四渡赤水、巧渡金沙、强取大渡河、翻越大雪山、跨过沼泽草地、突破天险腊子口,将数百万日匪玩弄于股掌之间,纵横驰骋两万五千里,胜利到达陕北延安,让世界震惊,使敌人胆寒。先烈的鲜血换来了中国革命的胜利! 另一幅;当代三秦大禹出实招、求实效,风餐露宿走四方,踏实脚印遍三秦;斗洪涝旱魔,让荒塬野岭低头;搞农田水电,使高山流水折腰。勇改西北落后旧面貌,谱写陕西水利新篇章,连夺全国水利行业“四连冠”,三秦大地上,石头河水库百米大坝拔地而起,宝鸡峡千里水渠横贯关中,东雷、盐环定抽黄把龙王牵上了黄土高原,古都西安永远告别了水荒。 两幅场景,横跨六十年空间,但又是何等的相似!同样的艰难困苦,同样的风餐露宿,虽然一个是对付敌人的围追堵截,一个是斗争大自然的狂暴肆虐,但团结友爱、英勇顽强、艰苦奋斗、坚韧不拔的长征精神在两代英雄们的身上闪耀着同样的光芒! “The Red Army is not afraid of expedition difficult, Wanshui dry hill only idle ... ...” Standing in the northern Shaanxi Red Army once sown the harvest of yellow earth, the mind silently recited face-winged, world of shaking, weeping ghost of the magnificent epic, Two thousand miles of fertile land on the land, my chest surging with two tragic, majestic picture; one is: Red Army officers eat wild vegetables, eating bark, Si Du Chishui, Qiaosha Sands, Qiangda Dadu River, across the snow-capped mountains, across Through marsh meadows, breaking through the vestiges of the vestiges and descendants of laissez-faire, tens of millions of Japanese banditry will be manipulated between the palm of your hand and you will have a chance to reach 25,000 miles in length and reach the victory of Yanan in northern Shaanxi Province. This will shock the world and make the enemy feel cold. Martyrs blood for the victory of the Chinese revolution! Another; contemporary Qin Yu a real move, seek practical results, wind and meal quarters walk Quartet, practical footprints all over the Qin; bucket flooding drought, so wild highland ridge; engage in farmland hydropower, so that high mountain water waist. Brave to change the old landscape behind the northwest, write a new chapter in Shaanxi Province water conservancy, won the national water conservancy industry, “four consecutive championships”, the earth in Sanqin, Shitouhe Reservoir Dam hundred meters toe up, Baoji Gorge thousands of water drains across Guanzhong, Salt ring set yellow drag the Dragon King on the Loess Plateau, the ancient capital of Xi’an always bid farewell to the water shortage. Two scenes across sixty years of space, but how similar! The same hardships and difficulties, the same style of accommodation, although one is to deal with the enemy chase, one is the frenzied rage of the struggle for nature, but the spirit of solidarity, heroism, hard work, indomitable spirit of the two generations of heroes shine The same light!
印江岩口抢险工程位于贵州省印江土家族苗族自治县境内.1996年9月18日在印江县上游印松公路1.1km 处,峨岭镇岩底村岩口处发生特大型牵引式深层基岩滑坡,阻塞印江河,造成河水
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7月7日下午3时,闽侯县甘蔗镇潭石村旁滩涂地。 随着福州海关赵民副关长一声“点火”令下,近2万箱(100万条)假冒“万宝路”、“云丝顿”等走私假冒外烟,被浇上柴油的十多把火炬同时点燃。