“Maozhou Poems” is a poem by Li Changrong, a literary man from Guangdong Province, a copy of the manuscript entitled “ . Because of his written correspondence with the Edo poet, it is the book that preserved Japan. According to the extant literatures, the poet Fujimoto, Minoru Nagano, Edojin Mitsuhiro, Songgang Shimin, Mori Rondo, Shinto Hwan and Aoki Hara are the poets and poets in the Edo period, and their written contacts exist in ” Haidong singing set “in. Overall, ”Mao Chau Poetry“ pays special attention to the creation of the poets in the country and the folk customs in Guangdong, preserving a large amount of local folklore in the form of poetics, with a high historical value and poetic value; Poetic style, in order to ”poetry " is the mainstream poetry is rare.