
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bianhao9527
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战时伤病员数量众多,伤病种类复杂,伤病情况轻重不同。怎样才能使这些伤病员在有限的时间内、有限的救治力量条件下,能按各自的需要,在最短时间内得到合理的救治和后送呢?这就必须采用伤病员分类的工作方法。这种工作方法,在世界上已有100多年的历史了,它已成为现代战争医疗后送工作的重要组成部分。我军通过历次革命战争的卫勤实践,逐步认识到它的重要性,并取得了很多宝贵的经验。伤病员分类和分级救治一样贯穿于医疗救护的各个环节和始终,由简到繁,由低级到高级,越往后方分类越细。现仅就团、师救护所怎样进行伤病员分类问题,谈谈基本做法。一、伤病员分类有哪几种基本形式? 伤病员分类的基本形式取决于分类的目的。分类的目的,一是为了救治工作,二是为了后送工作。 A large number of wounded and sick during wartime, the types of injuries are complex, different severity of injuries. How can these sick and wounded patients be given reasonable treatment and evacuation in the shortest time according to their own needs under the conditions of limited medical treatment and treatment within a limited time and limited time? It is necessary to adopt the working methods classified by the sick and wounded . This method of working has been in the world for more than 100 years and has become an important part of the medical evacuation of modern warfare. Through military practice in all previous revolutionary wars, our army has gradually realized its importance and obtained many valuable experiences. Injury classification and classification of treatment as the same throughout all aspects of medical and health care and from beginning to end, from simple to complex, from low to high, the more detailed classification of the more backward. Now only the regiment, division ambulance how to carry out the classification of sick and wounded, to talk about the basic approach. First, what are the basic forms of the classification of the sick and wounded? The basic form of the classification of sick and wounded depends on the purpose of the classification. The purpose of classification, one for the rescue work, the second is to send the job.
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