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黄瓜嫁接是利用砧木的发达根系及强大的吸收能力和砧木具有高抗枯萎病的特点,通过嫁接技术增强植株的抗逆性,达到早熟高产的目的。山西省夏县种子协会引进美国黑籽南瓜为砧木,津杂4号黄瓜品种为接穗,利用靠接法进行嫁接获得较好的效果。主要表现为:嫁接的黄瓜植株,比未嫁接的的黄瓜苗抗病性强,耐低温2—3℃,遇特殊气候条件,如雨、雪、连阴天或寒流袭击、短期超低温情况下增产幅度达100%,一般增产50—80%。现将靠接法及嫁接后管理介绍如下:一、靠接黄瓜种籽先播种于营养钵5—6天后,再在同一个营养钵紧挨黄瓜苗播种南瓜籽,当黄瓜子叶展开,真叶刚出现,南瓜的真叶已展开时为嫁接适期。用嫁接刀或竹签子除去南瓜苗的生长点和侧芽,然后在子叶茎 Cucumber grafting is the use of rootstocks developed rootstock and strong absorption capacity and rootstocks have high resistance to Fusarium wilt disease characteristics, through grafting technology to enhance plant resistance, to achieve the purpose of early maturity and high yield. Xiaxian County, Shanxi Province, the introduction of the seed association of the United States black seed pumpkin as the rootstock, Jinza 4 cucumber varieties as the scion, the use of docking method to obtain better results. Mainly as follows: grafted cucumber plants than non-grafted cucumber seedling disease resistance, low temperature 2-3 ℃, in special weather conditions, such as rain, snow, cloudy or cold attack, the case of short-term ultra-low temperature increase The rate of 100%, the general increase of 50-80%. Will be followed by the law and the management of grafting introduced as follows: First, by the first planting cucumbers seeding in the nutrient bowl 5-6 days, then in the same nutrition bowl next to the cucumber seedlings planted pumpkin seeds, cucumber cotyledons unfold, true leaves Just appeared, the true leaves of pumpkin has been launched for the appropriate period of grafting. With grafting knife or bamboo stick to remove the growth point of pumpkin seedlings and lateral buds, and then in the cotyledon stems
拒食,已不再是模特儿和年轻爱美女性的专利词汇。时下,愈来愈多的男性患者也在体验节食、拒食的滋味,这引起了科学家们的密切关注。    病态的强制观念作祟    出生在得克萨斯州的露易丝,常年食用脂肪含量惊人的墨西哥烹饪和用砂糖渍透的美国食物等。十几岁的时候,露易丝就有一个绰号——小胖墩。她那肥嘟嘟的身体常常成为同龄孩子们嘲笑的话柄。大家有时将她戏谑为“相扑选手”。透过露易丝的T恤衫,甚至可以看到她那
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