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  Have you ever felt like you didn’t fit in? Like a square peg, trying to fit into the round hole of society? Like the proverbial black sheep? If you haven’t, trust me, it’s not a pleasant feeling. It’s like the whole world understands some massive inside joke, and you’re the only one who doesn’t get the punch-line. And the things that seem important to everyone else are so beyond your comfort zone, that you’d rather stay huddled inside, safe from outside stimuli.
  In my adolescence I was diagnosed with ADD and Manic Depression. In college, doctors said it was Social Anxiety Disorder. For one reason or another, I always felt misdiagnosed. And a few years ago, I wondered if I actually had Asperger’s Syndrome. My mother, a certified psychotherapist, emailed me a link to an online Asperger’s test. I never took it. It’s still flagged and saved in my inbox. Part of me is afraid what the test will say, but another part still yearns to know…
  This month’s features all deal with the Autism spectrum and how it affects different people. My Life as an Earthbound Alien highlights how being diagnosed with Autism doesn’t change your“otherness,” it only confirms it. In A Beautiful Mind, we learn how being autistic isn’t the disadvantage it might seem. How Can People Think Autism Is Menacing? displays the ignorance and brutality of the masses, who lash out against autistic innocents. And I Was Diagnosed with Autism at 40, documents how a traumatic childhood experience can plant of a seed of fear in your heart that may never stop growing.
  In China, children with autism are known as “kids from the stars”. I wonder if this name was self-proclaimed or attached to them by “normal” thinkers. Either way, no matter the star on the autistic spectrum they (or we) happen to hail from, it must be a relief to discover one’s inner truth, both emotionally and physiologically. Which means I should probably get around to taking that test, huh?
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或许,对于在中国的爆红,连李敏镐自己也始料未及。自去年以来,他在中国所到之处皆被围得水泄不通,连“傲慢”的春晚也意外地向他伸出了橄榄枝。而他在当晚的演出也成了今年春晚收视率最高的节目。  不过,如果真要让他想出一个原因,这位聪明的“长腿欧巴”可能会给出两个字——粉丝。  是的,粉丝!“粉丝”是一个奇异的群体,他们的爱暴烈、激荡,带着风卷残云般的气势,也带着不安和躁动,有着非一般的摧毁与成全的能力。
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At first glance, Ronny looked like every other kid in the first-grade classroom where I volunteered as the Reading Mom. Wind-blown hair, scuffed shoes, a little bit of dirt behind his ears, some kind