在北京的大街小巷到处可见美容院,但是,用中医针灸拔罐的方法美容,昭兰美容中心在北京是第一家。 1990年,我从针灸学院毕业。其实,我是一个性格外向的人,从小喜欢并且擅长唱歌跳舞,只是因为我的母亲是一位十分敬业的医生,从小耳濡目染.渐渐地使我对医学产生了兴趣。走出校门后,在母亲的引荐下,师从我国著名的针灸大师贺普仁教授,进一步钻研我国传统医学的瑰宝——针灸。 随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们越来越追求美。但是由于种种原因,一些女士脸上长了黄褐
Beauty salons can be found everywhere in the streets of Beijing. However, with the beauty of cupping by traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, Zhao Lan Beauty Center is the first in Beijing. In 1990, I graduated from the Acupuncture Institute. Actually, I am an extrovert, I grew up loving and good at singing and dancing, just because my mother is a very dedicated doctor, from childhood, and gradually made me interested in medicine. Out of school, the introduction of the mother, under the tutelage of a famous acupuncture master Professor He Puren, to further study the gem of traditional Chinese medicine - acupuncture. As people’s living standards continue to improve, people are increasingly pursuing beauty. However, for a variety of reasons, some women grow yellowish-brown on their faces