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前言往常未焊透深度所采用的缺陷对比尺,其类型及黑度对比方式均不相同,而且在实用中既不方便又有一定的误差,容易造成误判。本文叙述利用射线照相底片上被检工件母材、焊缝无缺陷部位和焊缝有缺陷部位三者之间的黑度关系,通过简便计算确定单面焊未焊透深度的一种简易方法,并经实验验证,该方法使用方便,能减少判断上的误差,提高测量精度,有利于探伤人员的工作。 Preface The imperfections commonly used in penetration depth are not the same as the contrast scales, and the contrast between the types and the contrast of blackness is not the same. In practice, it is neither convenient nor error, which may easily lead to miscarriage of justice. This paper describes a simple method of determining the depth of imperfections in single-sided welds by the simple calculation of the relationship between the blackness of the workpiece under test, the defect-free part of the weld and the defective part of the weld on the radiograph. And verified by experiments, the method is easy to use, can reduce the error on the judgment, improve the measurement accuracy, is conducive to the work of testing personnel.
  瓜类细菌性果斑病(Bacterial fruit blotch,BFB)是由西瓜嗜酸菌(Acidovorax citrul-li,以下简称Ac)引起的一种严重为害葫芦科作物的细菌性病害,可侵染甜瓜、西瓜、南瓜、
  在甘蓝枯萎病菌(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.conglutinans,以下简称Foc)的研究过程中,发现一种未知细菌与合作单位馈赠的来自ATCC的标准菌株Foc-52557伴随生长于PDA培养基
  番茄溃疡病菌为密执安棒形杆菌密执安亚种(Clavibacter michiganensis subsp.michiganensis,以下简称Cram),是重要种传植物病原细菌,在世界各主要番茄产区均造成严重危害