Analyses on the enlightenment of the functional translation theory on business translation teaching

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  【Abstract】 the functional translation theory comes from behavioral theory, which thinks that translation is a kind of behavior happened in the given situation with certain purpose. It is a kind of conversion from one language and symbols of nonverbal communication to another language. They focus completeness of the translation purpose instead of equivalence. This article based on the functional translation theory and discusses the businessmen translation teaching from two aspects: business and multiple standards of translation, and the student business culture consciousness training.
  【Key words】The functional translation theory; Businessmen translation; Business translation standards; Business culture consciousness
  The functional translation theory comes into being in the 1970s in Germany as one of the practical translation theories. The process of functional translation should be started from the pragmatic level which determine translation target function firstly and then distinguish the content that need to be retained to recreate with the content those must be adjusted according to the receiver's background knowledge, psychology expects, communication needs, media condition and instruction demand factors. The purpose to analyze the problems is to adopt different translation measures according to different problems. But in the whole process, translation function is the focus. In translation teaching, analyzing problems systematically helps students understand the problems and grasp the methods to solve the problems (Nord, 1997). The article based on the functional translation theory, discusses business translation teaching in two aspects: business translation multiple standards and student’s business culture consciousness training.
  2functional translation theory
  Germany functional translation theory mainly includes: Katharin Reiss proposed functional category of translation criticism. Hans –Venneer proposes the Skopos theories and beyond, Holz Manttari suggests the translational actions. Christiane Nord asserts the loyalty principle and other works relevant function for translator training of methodology has also been published. The functional translation theory based on behavioral theory, they think, translation is a kind of behavior happened in the given situation with certain purpose. It is a kind of conversion from one language and symbols of nonverbal communication to another language. Success of translation depends on whether to achieve purposes. They focus completeness of the translation purpose instead of equivalence. They think equivalence translation just a kind of form in various translation forms. Thus, they put forward objective law (skopos rule) as the highest principle in translation. Vermeer thinks objective law is that: each text is produced for a purpose, and must serve for the purpose. The receiver of the translation is one of the important factors who decide the purpose. Translation, interpretation, speech and writing must make your text effect in the occasions who want to use it, and play a role according to the people to who want it plays. There are different affiliate rules according to the different conditions. These rules come from translation requirements by initiator (also may be given from the translator himself). Translation requirements determine the type of translation. As for the original article, they think it is just a kind of information source, because any translation is facing the intended audience, the function can solve translation strategies.
  In 30 years’ development process this theory created relatively complete theoretical framework, formed a unique theoretical paradigm. This theory takes the purpose as a general rule, and it puts translation in behavioral theory and cross-cultural communication theory frame, thinks that the essence of translation behavior and translation is a purposeful cross-cultural communication. It reflects the three qualities of the translation: purpose, communicative, cross-cultural. The functional translation theory based on equivalent of rhetorical functions in translation practice, has strong practicality and maneuverability. It divides text according to function mainly into information texts, expressive texts and operative texts. Business texts are mainly information texts, and the main function is to convey the business communication information. Therefore, the functional translation theory is suitable for business translation practice which can avoid the blindness of translation. As to business translation teaching, it has stronger significance in instruction.
  3 multiple standards of business text translation
  Along with the economic development of globalization and our country enters the WTO, business text translation becomes increasingly important. Because business text generally involves the economic interests of all parties of trade, it demands on text translation highly. In recent years, people engaged in business translation begin to discuss translation standards on business text consciously in order to guide business translation practice practically. English translation theorist Newmark divided language fuctions into the three in accordance with the features of the language text: expressive function, information function and praying function. He further points out that the translator should aim at different text types using different methods to translate (Newmark, 1982:15). Wang zuoliang (1989) on “the new period of translation theory” also mention that “determining translating methods according to the body style”. The functional translation theory thinked from the teaching view is that, translation problems can be divided into pragmatic, cultural or specific text problem. The main business text styles include officialese, advertising, contract, application, etc. These different literary forms of communication function, due to different translation standards, have different requirements. Ma Hui Juan (2005) discussed the different translation standards in functional translation theory from the angle of different business text. As for business advertising translation: advised purchase function is similar. In the real business text translation practice, different business style follows the different specific standards of translation. It is determined by the complexity of the business style.
  Some scholars try to put forward the suitable translation standards for all business text translation in translation practice but it lacks of maneuverability. Peng Ping (2004) in “business text translation scale discusses” once pointed out a general standards of translation, such as “faithful, equivalence” can't direct translation practice. But she attempt to propose business text translation standards by “accurate meaning, terminological standard, appropriate tone” to business contract and business advertising cannot meet the need of translation practice either. The formal and rigorous language style in contracts as legal files is not the question that is most important problems in translation.
  While for advertising, which is basically incendiary. Sometimes accurate meaning of it also is not the most important. Every profession has its unique idioms, set of words and idiomatic expressions.
  YuLianJiang (2005) put forward function oriented business translation case teaching mode on the summarized results from vocabulary characteristics, syntactic features, discourse characteristics and rhetoric structural features. Therefore in the teaching process, we should not try to use universal standard and require students to translate all kinds of style. Teaching can not only be confined to a kind of style, a standard. We should teach students to use different translation standard on various business styles. In the process of teaching, teachers should strengthen the consciousness of functional purpose of students constantly and enables the student to engage in the intension of business communication, realizing repeatedly cognitive languages and realize the successful transformation of the cognitiveness. Meanwhile, make students always adhere the first functional purpose principles in actual business translation process, ensure them to create accurate and regular translation.
  4 use function theory to cultivate students' business culture conscio-usness
  Today in the economic globalization and integration in the world, the international business activities have become increasingly frequent. Various business text translation is not only related to the cognition of the nature of English and Chinese and the understanding of using law of two languages moreover the differences between Chinese and western culture has been involved. Business activities in particularly is activities of cross-cultural communication essentially on the culture and language background. International business is business activity under different cultural background. In the International business communication, both thought and behavior of two parts are affected inevitably by their own culture. They will consciously or unconsciously use native language rules, communication habits, cultural background, way of thinking and value orientation to express ideas and make the decision. Different cultural factors in communication can produce conflict and collisions. If you don't have the ability in cross-cultural communication, both sides in the communication may be thwarted, even produces misunderstanding that influence the success of business activity development. So, qualified business English talent must understand the culture of the target country, to have intercultural communication ability with a foreign language in the business environment.
  [1]Nord, Christians. Translation as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained [M]. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.
  [2]Reiss, Kantharina. Text Type and Translation Method Operative Texts. Heidelberg: Julius Groos, 1983.
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