严格把关 保证函授质量

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一、正确处理办学指导思想和招生工作的关系延边州委党校函授分院在年初召开的校长、教务科长会议上,认真总结了1993年度函授工作,提出了1994年度函授工作指导思想和工作要求,自从会议以后,我站分别组织了三次学习。首先,校委认真学习了1993年函授工作总结报告和1994年招生工作文件精神,认真地联系1993年我站招生工作实际,进一步提高认识,端正了办学目的。其次,组织函授班主任和函授工作人员学习了各兄弟党校的经验材料,结合本人的工作实际,找出差距,提高认识,明确工作方向和任务。再次,组织全体教职员工学习了邓小平同志“在中国共产党全国代表会议“、“在中央政治局常委会上的讲话”等文章和中央党校函授学院的各种文件。通过反复学习和讨论,真正认识到我们办函授的目的是培养忠于马克思主义,德才兼备,具有相应专 First, the correct handling of the guiding principle of running a school and the relationship between enrollment Yanbian State Party School correspondence branch held at the beginning of the principals, academic section chief session, seriously summed up the correspondence work in 1993, put forward the 1994 guidance of correspondence work and job requirements, Since the meeting, I have organized three trips respectively. First of all, the school committee earnestly studied the 1993 report on the summary of correspondence work and the spirit of the 1994 recruit students’ working documents. They conscientiously contacted the actual work of enrollment in our station in 1993, further raised their awareness and rectified the purpose of running a school. Second, the head of the organization of correspondence and correspondence staff learn the experience of the fraternal Party school materials, combined with my work, find out the gap, raise awareness, clear work direction and tasks. Thirdly, we organized all faculty and staff members to study various articles such as Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s “Meeting of the National Representatives of the Communist Party of China” and “Speech at the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee”, and other documents sent by the Central Party School and Correspondence College. Through repeated study and discussion, we have truly realized that the purpose of our correspondence is to cultivate loyalty to Marxism, with both ability and political integrity and corresponding
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