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沐着清晨第一缕阳光,“的哥”任延梁驾驶心爱的“轿的”,在妻子温情的目光注视中,汇入了如梭的车流,开始了一天的奔忙……有着18年党龄、43岁的老任人生经历颇有些坎坷—— 1983年,带着军人的豪情,任延梁转业到济南第一机床厂工作,敬业和忘我让他的人生又进入了一段辉煌,历任政工科长、分厂党支部书记、车间主任。 1995年,效益开始走“下坡路”的工厂实行富余人员下岗。也是为了给职工带个好头,没有下岗之虞的老任主动提出了下岗申请。他的决定在亲朋好友中引起轩然大波,要知道,他可一直是全家人的骄傲呀——第一个参军,第一个入党,第一个提干!而如今却成了全家第一个下岗的。“肯定是犯了错误,不然谁会这么傻!”周围不解的人纷纷做着各种猜测。面对这一切,老任默默无语,只是在心里暗暗较劲:非干出个样子来! 下岗之初的老任并没有感到失落。他雄心勃勃,一心要干出一番自己的事业。然而,现实渐渐让他感到,下岗原来不轻松。 With the first ray of sunshine in the early morning, Ren Yanliang piloted his beloved “sedan chair” and watched his wife’s tender warmth, importing a fleeting flow of traffic and starting a day’s rush ... with 18 years of party age and 43 In 1983, with the pride of soldiers, Ren Yanliang transferred to the first machine tool factory in Jinan, dedication and selflessness to make his life has entered a period of brilliant, served as chief of political commissar, branch Party branch secretary, workshop director. In 1995, benefits began to take the “downhill” factory laid off redundant workers. Is also to give employees a good head, there is no risk of being laid off the initiative to put forward laid-off applications. His decision aroused an uproar in his family and friends, to know that he could always be the pride of the whole family - the first to join the army, the first to join the party and the first one to make progress. Now it has become the first laid-off of. “Surely made a mistake, or who will be so stupid!” People around the mystery have done all kinds of speculation. In the face of all this, the old man silent, but in my heart secretly rivalry: non-doing a look like! The laid-off old man did not feel lost. He is ambitious and bent on doing his own business. However, the reality gradually let him feel that the laid-off had not easy.
水墨之为水墨,在中国传统文化之内,是与自然一道共呼吸的,无论描绘的对象是自然山水,还是所用材质是最为自然的水与墨,而且水墨艺术追求的至高境界也是自然平淡。因此,离开了与自然的关系,离开了自然元素性的内在生变的活力,水墨将并不存在。  可惜当前水墨的几种形态与自然没有关系:那些还在传统之内进行程式化继承的生产,已经不再与自然性发生关系,仅仅是复制而已;那些以西方现代艺术中各种手法对水墨施行暴力制作的
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种子在播前,利用一定温度的热水进行浸种叫做温汤(热水)浸种。它是种子消毒处理的常用方法之一。在种子消毒方法中,以温汤浸种方法较为简易、经济、有效。 Seeds before so