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女儿胆小,不大喜欢动,一到比较空旷或者人多的地方,就变得格外紧张,非得拉住爸爸妈妈的衣角才敢挪步。我觉得这样不好,幼儿园毕业后还要上小学,尽管我们可以接送她,但是总得给她增加一点独立活动的胆量才好。可是采取什么措施呢?那么小的一个人,我们又不能拉着她整天做野外生存训练去,再说我们也没有那么多时间。通过一次有意思的活动,我终于开了窍儿。我们两口子都是运动爱好者,尤其喜欢户外运动。没有孩子的时候,周末还经常结伴去爬爬山什么的。偶尔得悉,元旦那天,泉城广场要举办一次旨在保护名泉的定向运动会,除了有专业运动员参加比赛外,还允许业余爱好者参加。定向运动我们在电视里看过,运动员从一个地方出发,拿着指南针、地图,按照地图上指引的路线到达目的地,是一种既能贴近自然,又能充分发挥自己的识图能力、地理地形判断能力的运动形式。我们一直羡慕那些在茂密的森林里挥洒自如的定向运动者,想不到这回有了一个机会,便毫不犹豫地报了名。新年的第一天,天气很好,我们一家也随着喜气洋洋的人流来到泉城广场,和好多业余定向运动爱好者参加了比赛。业余组比赛很 Daring daughter, do not like to move, to a more open or crowded places, it becomes particularly nervous, had to pull dad and mom’s dare to move clothes. I think this is not good, after graduating from kindergarten to primary school, although we can pick her up, but always give her a little more courage to add a little independent activities. However, what measures should be taken? So small a person, we can not hold her all day to do field survival training, to say we have not so much time. Through an interesting event, I finally opened the door. Our couple are sports enthusiasts, especially like outdoor sports. When there is no child, we often go climbing and climbing together on weekends. Occasionally it is learned that on New Year’s Day, Quancheng Square will hold a targeted sports meeting aimed at protecting famous springs. Apart from having professional athletes participating in the competition, amateurs are also allowed to attend. Orienteering We’ve seen it on television. Athletes starting from one place, holding a compass, a map, and following the directions on the map, arrive at their destination. It is a kind of ability to get close to nature and give full play to their knowledge. Geography Terrain to determine the ability of the form of movement. We have always envied those who are indomitable in the dense forests of Orienteering, think of this time there is a chance, they did not hesitate to report the name. On the first day of the New Year, the weather was very good. Our family also came to Quancheng Square with a beaming crowd of people and participated in the competition with amateur orienteering fans. Amateur group game is very
近年来,西藏自治区加大了对外开放的力度,各种会议、庆典逐年增加, 但许多企业对组织一些活动非常头疼, 特别是接待重要客户的时候,企业的品牌、形象等很多方面是通过礼仪小