告读者 回顾五年历程 展望新的未来

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回顾已出版的二十二期《电机技术》,可以说,本刊是贯彻执行了“传播电机技术,加速祖国四化实现”这个办刊宗旨的。有位老读者在来信中,用了“丰富多彩、良师益友”这八个字,概括了他阅读《电机技术》五年来的切身感受。这种感受具有广泛的代表性。它表明,《电机技术》这本刊物,在促进电机技术交流、传播的事业中,是起了积极作用的。值此本刊创刊五周年之际,承电机界老前辈上海市电机工程学会胡汝鼎理事长发来贺信;殷元章副理事长与梅贤豪秘书长为本刊题词,令我同人深受鼓舞。我上级公司经理徐志毅和副总工程师周启章等领导同志以及上海交通大学应用化学系张和康教授为祝贺本刊创刊五周年纪念,于百忙中都惠赐了佳作以飨广大 Looking back at the 22nd issue of “Electrical Technology” published, it can be said that this publication is the implementation of the purpose of “promulgating motor technology to speed up the realization of the motherland’s four modernizations.” In an incoming letter, an old reader used the words “rich and colorful, good teachers and helpful friends” to summarize his personal experience of reading “motor technology” over the past five years. This feeling is widely representative. It shows that the publication “Electrical Technology” has played a positive role in promoting the exchange and dissemination of electrical technology. On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the founding of this journal, the former chairman of the Shanghai Electrical Engineering Society of the Chengde Motor Industry, Hu Yuding, sent a congratulatory letter; the vice chairman of Yin Yuanzhang and Secretary-General Mei Xianhao wrote the inscription on this issue, which inspired my colleagues. Leading comrades such as Xu Zhiyi, senior manager of the company, and Zhou Qizhang, deputy chief engineer, and Professor Zhang Hekang from the Department of Applied Chemistry at Shanghai Jiaotong University celebrated the 5th anniversary of the publication of this journal.
1 我们上海市电机公司成立于1956年,三十年来,经过多次改、并、迁、合,目前已形成电机、电线电缆、绝缘材料、电炉等四大行业。因篇幅所限本文仅就电机制造和电线电缆制造二
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巴西的石棉产量近来已达到20万吨/年,在世界最大的石棉供应国中已占第五位。该国几乎所有的温石棉都由 SAMA 公司生产。石棉采用露采法进行开采。矿石中石棉含量平均为6.7%
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