2015年10月27日,美国参议院以74票赞成、21票反对,通过了《网络安全信息共享法案》(Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015,CISA),该法案旨在鼓励私企与美国政府实时共享网络安全威胁信息,达到改善美国网络空间安全的目的。这是继2014年4月26日美国众议院通过《网络情报共享与保护法案》后,美国在网络空间安全信息共享方面提出
On October 27, 2015, the U.S. Senate passed the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015 (CISA) with 74 votes in favor and 21 against. The act aims to encourage private companies to share the network with the U.S. government in real time Security threat information, to achieve the purpose of improving the safety of cyberspace in the United States. This is the United States in the cyberspace security information sharing after the United States House of Representatives passed the “Network Information Sharing and Protection Act” on April 26, 2014