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羊水粪染是产科临床上常见的现象,对其临床意义有不同的看法[1],为了解前羊水性状与新生儿Aogar评分、胎心率监护之间的关系,我们对110例产程中前羊水Ⅱ~Ⅲ度粪染者进行了分析,报道如下。1 资料与方法1.1 对象:1999年12月至2000年10月我院分娩产妇1254例,以单胎,头先露,孕周>37周产时人工破膜或自然破膜羊水Ⅱ~Ⅲ度粪染为研究对象(以下简称粪染组),共110例,占分娩总数8.7%;以羊水清亮者110例单胎头位分娩作为对照组(以下简称对照组),资料经X2检验。1.2 诊断标准:对正式临产在破膜后出现羊水Ⅱ~Ⅲ度粪染者,给予吸氧,并进行胎心监护。根据羊水粪染分为三度[2]:Ⅰ度为淡黄色;Ⅱ度为黄绿色;Ⅲ度呈黑绿色,粘稠 Meconium amniotic fluid is a common clinical obstetrics and gynecology, clinical significance of different views [1], in order to understand the relationship between amniotic fluid traits and neonatal Aogar score, fetal heart rate monitoring, we 110 cases of labor before Amniotic fluid Ⅱ ~ Ⅲ degree of patients were analyzed, reported as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Object: December 1999 to October 2000 delivery of 1254 cases of maternal labor in our hospital with a single fetal head, first exposed, gestational weeks> 37 weeks of artificial rupture of membranes or spontaneous rupture of amniotic fluid Ⅱ Ⅲ degree Meconium as the research object (hereinafter referred to as meconium-stained group), a total of 110 cases, accounting for 8.7% of the total number of deliveries; amniotic fluid clear with 110 cases of single-head delivery as a control group (hereinafter referred to as the control group), the data by the X2 test. 1.2 diagnostic criteria: the official abortion in the rupture of amniotic fluid Ⅱ ~ Ⅲ degree of fecal infection, given oxygen, and fetal heart monitoring. According to meconium amniotic fluid is divided into three degrees: Ⅰ degree is light yellow; Ⅱ degree is yellow-green; Ⅲ degree was dark green, thick
患儿 ,男 ,4岁。平素健康。因父母无意中发现其上腹部肿物来诊。查体 :一般状态好 ,发育营养中等 ,巩膜无黄染 ,浅表淋巴结无肿大 ,腹部未见肠型 ,肝脾肋下未触及 ,腹软 ,剑
乳腺癌是北美妇女中最常见的恶性肿瘤.2004年,估计有215 990例新发病例以及40 110例死亡病例.尽管有辅助性治疗措施,但还是有24%~60%的妇女最后发生转移性病变.骨骼仍然是远处
患者 2 5岁 ,孕 1产 0 ,孕 38周产前查体。二维超声检查胎儿双顶径 92 mm,头围 35 cm,股骨径 70 mm,颅内近丘脑水平处可及一直径 31mm的圆形低回声 ,CDFI示呈“血球”样、取
背景:氯膦酸二钠(固令(R))能够通过抑制肿瘤诱导的破骨细胞对骨的溶解,减少骨转移的发生率.方法:在1989~2000年,该随机双盲、安慰剂对照的多中心临床研究观察了1 069位Ⅰ~Ⅲ期