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保险利益在保险法律关系中居于核心地位,是判断保险金请求权成立与否,确定保险赔偿范围、保险权利义务归属主体的重要准绳。2009年《保险法》区分人身保险与财产保险,对保险利益的判断时点、归属主体分别作了界定,但因保险关系的复杂性以及法律规范的抽象性,保险利益的司法认定仍然面临着标准不明确、尺度不统一的困惑。为避免法律适用偏差,实现保险合同双方利益平衡,保险利益原则适用须解决两大问题:一是如何构建适用于类型案件的认定标准;二是保险利益缺失或与险种不匹配时,保险合同的效力将受到何种程度的影响。有鉴于此,本文截取2010~2013年G市法院审理的保险纠纷为研究样本,对保险纠纷审判疑难进行类型梳理,概括判决理由中的价值考量。在理论层面,着眼多元化的保险诉求,对保险利益内涵进行重塑与解构,明确保险利益原则的价值选择,以免心证过程沦为法条框架内的布朗运动。在路径层面,把握规范逻辑与价值定位的双重维度,探讨类型案件中保险利益的认定标准,并在法理分析与利弊权衡的基础上,厘清保险利益与保险合同效力的内在关联,以期对审判实务有所裨益。 Insurance interests occupy a central place in the legal relationship of insurance, which is an important criterion for judging whether insurance claims are established or not, determining the coverage of insurance, and the subject of insurance rights and obligations. The “Insurance Law” of 2009 distinguishes life insurance from property insurance, defines the timing of insurance benefits, and defines the subjects of ownership. However, due to the complexity of insurance relations and the abstraction of legal norms, the judicial recognition of insurance interests still faces the standard Not clear, the scale is not uniform confusion. In order to avoid the deviation of applicable law and realize the balance of interests between the two parties in the insurance contract, the application of the principle of insurance interest must solve two major problems: first, how to construct the accreditation criteria applicable to the types of cases; second, when the insurance interests are missing or do not match with the insurance, Effect will be affected to what extent. In view of this, this article intercepts the 2010-2013 G city court trial of insurance disputes as a sample of the study, examines the types of disputes in the trial of insurance disputes, summarizes the reasons for the value of considerations. At the theoretical level, focusing on diversified insurance claims, the connotation of insurance interests is reshaped and deconstructed, and the value choice of the principle of insurance benefits is clarified so as to prevent the process of giving evidence to the Brownian movement within the framework of the law. At the path level, grasp the dual dimensions of normative logic and value orientation, and explore the criteria for identifying insurance interests in the types of cases. On the basis of legal analysis and trade-offs, the paper clarifies the inherent relationship between insurance interests and the effectiveness of insurance contracts, Benefit.
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