东京安达仕酒店 空中创意殿堂

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  安达仕(Andaz )一词源自印度乌尔都语,意思为“个人风格”。作为凯悦集团旗下的潮牌,安达仕品牌主张激发创意、自由自在并根植于当地,在世界各主要大城市中为好奇心旺盛的人群提供个性化的酒店体验。
  2014年6月,安达仕品牌首次登陆日本,进驻东京第二高的摩天楼虎之门之丘最顶端的47至52层,由纽约知名华裔设计师季裕堂携手日本设计师绪方慎一郎担纲室内设计。当客人在大厦一层电梯里按下“51”这个通往酒店大堂的唯一按钮,就准备好感受东京安达仕酒店 — 这座东京上空中的灵感创意殿堂吧。
  With origins in Hindi, Andaz means "personal style." As part of the Hyatt Group's luxury lifestyle hotels, the Andaz brand upholds the concepts of "inspiring", "indigenous" and "unscripted" with a focus on delivering personalized hospitality experiences in major cities around the world.
  Andaz Tokyo Toranomon Hills opened its doors in the Toranomon area on 11 June 2014 as the first Andaz hotel in Japan. Housed on the 47th through 52nd floors on top of the Toranomon Hills tower, the hotel is designed by renowned design companies Tony Chi & Associates, based in New York and Tokyo's SIMPLICITY. Memories are created from the moment one enters the 1st floor elevator. Leading directly to the 51st floor lobby, guests are greeted by the warm, open atmosphere of Andaz Tokyo, thus beginning their experience at this inspirational palace above the skies of Toyko.
  藝术中的日本Experience Japan through Art
  51层大堂一方巨幅的Kumiko由艺术家Shigemitsu Kotaka制作。Kumiko即组子细工,是一种日本传统的木工工艺,采用榫卯的方式由纯手工将细木片拼出精美的花纹,不用一钉一铆和胶水。这幅Kumiko取名《无尽的宇宙》,寓意宇宙中一切事物从过去到现代和未来的无尽联系,体现出日本独特的形式美和哲学思考。
  酒店另一独特的木工工艺出自英国艺术家Charlie Whinney之手,这是一种名叫蒸汽热弯的古老手法,将木材短时间内加热至100℃后快速弯曲来体现自然的运动。51层主餐厅Tavern空中悬置的作品叫《林中飞鸟》,波浪般旋转的木材仿佛飞鸟在空中自由飞翔的轨迹,为整个空间装点出大自然的旋律。大堂另有一处作品取名《树椅》,是由《林中飞鸟》剩余的木材制成。
  Art plays an integral role in creating the atmosphere and experience at Andaz Tokyo. The hotel brings in the local culture through marvelous artworks, allowing guests to feel the charm of the city even during short stays.
  The massive Kumiko art on the 51st floor was made by artist Shigemitsu Kotaka. Kumiko is a traditional Japanese woodcraft, as small wooden pieces are assembled by hand, creating exquisite designs without nails or glue. This Kumiko is named "Infinite Universe", as the artist believes the infinite connection of everything in the universe, from the past to the present and the future, reflecting Japan's unique beauty and philosophical thinking.
  Other unique wood art in the hotel comes from British artist Charlie Whinney, based on an ancient technique called steam bending which heats wood to 100°C for a short period of time allowing the wood to be bent organically reflecting natural movement. The piece in the main restaurant The Tavern - Grill & Lounge is suspended in the air and named "Birds of the Forest." The wave-like curve of the wood is like a bird's flight trace in the air, bringing the essence of the forest into a man-made environment. Another piece named "Tree Chair" in the lobby is created from the remaining planks of wood from the "Birds of the Forest" sculpture.   On the 51st floor just outside the elevator up to the 52nd floor, a small piece of art called "Rabbit on the Moon" is particularly interesting. It depicts the image of a rabbit pounding mochi on the moon, a popular belief in Japanese folk tales, and signifies that the 52nd floor will be a wonderful place like the moon. In each elevator, guests will enjoy ethereal wall art in the form of layered washi paper, created in wooden molds traditionally used to make wagashi (Japanese confections). The artist, Tetsuya Nagata has created raised shapes of sea bream, carp, seasonal flowers, cranes and turtles, which are all symbols of goodwill in Japanese culture welcoming guests to the hotel.
  東京一夜One Night in Tokyo
  Sitting on the 47th to 50th floors of the Toranomon Hills tower, Andaz Tokyo's 164 rooms including 8 suites offer unforgettable panoramic views of Tokyo.
  Both designers' philosophies and ability to incorporate the Andaz brand concepts are well reflected in their unique designs. On the 51st floor, the Andaz Lounge is an open, communal space for all staying guests, replacing the traditional lobby. In this relaxed, barrier-free atmosphere, guests can settle-in as Andaz hosts assist with the check in and check out process. With warm wood furnishings and comfortable chairs, guests are welcome to unwind and feel at home. On the guest room floors, guests will walk through hallways lined with white washi paper and wood-colored lines. The lights on either sides of the hallway gently guide guests to their rooms, preparing them for a relaxing and restful sleep.
  The standard rooms at Andaz Tokyo span over 50 square meters, far exceeding the Tokyo hotel average. The use of natural materials such as paper lanterns and walnut wood tables reflect the natural beauty typical of Japanese culture, while the wood framing on the walls give a nostalgic feel reminiscent of a traditional Japanese wooden house. The deep circular bathtub in the bathroom is inspired by Japanese bath culture. Decorative pieces such as the smiling faces bring a playful and relaxed ambiance to the room.   成人的游乐场AO SPA & CLUB A Playground for Adults
  有趣是安达仕品牌的核心价值之一,东京安达仕酒店的水疗中心AO SPA & CLUB被打造成了成人的游乐场。这里设有20米长的宽敞泳池,配备完善器械的健身中心和5间水疗室,酒店的高度优势再次发挥效果,清一色的落地大窗设计,让客人在泳池边俯瞰皇居、在跑步机上面朝着整座城市奔跑、在体验水疗护理时感到自己置身东京的上空。
  极富个性的是水疗中心名为混搭吧(Blend Bar)的接待厅,明窗净几让人眼前一亮。接待人员桌子上的瓶瓶罐罐盛放的是浓缩的天然植物原料而非产品,仿佛是客人的私人药剂师,为客人订制个性化的理疗。
  AO Spa & Club at Andaz Tokyo is the ultimate oasis of relaxation, a playground for adults inspired by the Andaz core values. There is a 20-metre-long spacious swimming pool, a fitness center outfitted with the latest training equipment and 5 spa treatment rooms. Located on the 37th floor, the hotel's iconic floor-to-ceiling windows allow guests to overlook the Imperial Palace from the pool, take in views of the whole city while running, and relax above the clouds during spa treatments.
  The Spa's reception is called the Blend Bar. Resembling an apothecary's counter, glass bottles and containers filled with natural ingredients are elegantly displayed on the reception desk, to be used in personalized treatments for guests.
  顶楼酒吧Rooftop Bar
  限于篇幅,东京安达仕酒店尚有很多未能展开的有趣细节,比如用于举办婚礼的全东京最高教堂,和那株新人都会合影的象征家庭生活的长满刀叉盘子的生命之树,还有酒店的主餐厅Andaz Tavern已于今年4月16日升级为The Tavern - Grill & Lounge,将为客人呈现美味的雪藏熟成牛肉。 据悉季裕堂先生设计东京安达仕酒店的灵感源于京都的桂离宫,时尚现代的东京安达仕酒店还隐藏着多少日式设计小细节,这里诚邀读者前去发现。
  The 52nd floor Rooftop Bar is located just above the lobby floor, with comfortable sofa seating set by expansive windows. At night, come and enjoy one of the bar's signature cocktails with views overlooking the magnificent Tokyo skyline. It is an experience not to be missed at Andaz Tokyo.
  Andaz Tokyo has many interesting details to be discovered, including one of the highest stand alone churches in Tokyo that holds "Personal Style" Weddings, and the popular with newlyweds Tree of Life sculpture that bears spoons, forks and plates symbolizing family life. The hotel's main restaurant Andaz Tavern recently relaunched as The Tavern - Grill & Lounge on April 16 this year and features delicious "snow aged" beef.
  It is known that Tony Chi's design concepts for Andaz Tokyo was inspired by Kyoto's Katsura Imperial Villa, while SIMLICITY's notion of "harmony with nature" creates a calm and welcoming atmosphere that permeates through all spaces. Many details of Japanese design still remain hidden in the stylish and modern Andaz Tokyo. Readers are invited to discover it all here.
雅高酒店集團近日宣布与瑞享控股公司(M?venpick Holding)及王国控股公司(Kingdom Holding)签署协议,斥资5.6亿瑞士法郎现金(合4.82亿欧元),收购瑞享酒店及度假村(M?venpick Hotels & Resorts)。双方合并前,2019e EBITDA利息保障倍数为14.9X(含交易成本);运转率合并、投入发展渠道后,预估2019e EBITDA利息保障倍数将
薩凡纳安达仕酒店Andaz Savannah位于美国乔治亚州萨凡纳历史街区的中心地带,日前宣布完成151间客房和套房的全面改造。  萨凡纳被认为是世界上最具活力的目的地之一,以其丰富的历史、独特的艺术和文化场景、多样的美食、购物和娱乐体验而闻名,使其成为商务和休闲旅行者的首选。  萨凡纳安达仕酒店的新客房和套房展示了一种植根于周围环境的调色板。这家酒店的特色是苔藓绿的色调,让人联想到萨凡纳美丽的松
晶華国际酒店集团FIH宣布与洲际国际酒店集团IHG签订全球策略联盟合约并共组合资公司,合力加速丽晶酒店(Regent Hotels & Resorts)在国际间的扩张速度与事业版图。  完成此项合约的签订之后,IHG将主控合资公司的营运、负责经营开发丽晶酒店于台湾以外地区的全球性业务,FIH则将专注于台北晶华酒店以及丽晶品牌在台湾的营运与发展。  双方在进行签约的同时对外宣布,位于香港九龙尖沙咀的
夏日將至,土耳其蔚蓝海岸即将再度迎来令人神往的绚美光景。2018年5月1日至10月底,2017年6月开业的土耳其博德鲁姆丽世度假村将回归迎客,诚邀宾客在奢华雅致的下榻环境中尽享一场悠然惬意的消夏时光。  土耳其博德鲁姆丽世度假村坐落于蔚蓝壮阔的爱琴海海岸,而春夏两季是亲身领略其魅力风情的绝佳时机。整座度假村拥有海岛假日里的一切美好元素,无论是追求享乐还是闲庭信步,亦或慵懒地躺在躺椅上打发时光,都能
文華东方酒店的饼店在全球都享有盛名,这家更是不得不提。巴黎文华东方酒店所在的圣奥诺雷街,是以面包师、蛋糕师的守护神命名。饼店的招牌甜点也是以街道命名的Le Saint-Honoré,年轻英俊的糕点主厨David Landriot,曾在新加坡和中国学习工作过,他将传统配方改良之后制成的新款法式甜品,人气居高不下。  Mandarin Oriental is famous for its cake s
近期,茵萊湖索菲特蔑敏酒店作为缅甸首家索菲特酒店在茵莱湖畔开业。2015年,联合国教科文组织将茵莱湖列入世界文化遗产名录,茵莱湖索菲特蔑敏酒店在此临水而建,建筑和布局令人联想到湖畔周边传统村落,内部装潢巧妙融入独一无二的当地特色。  酒店共设101间客房,包括36间豪华房、25间普通套房、12间尊享套房、27间剧院套房和1间皇家套房。每个房间都点缀有传统缅甸图案,运用竹子、藤条和丝绸等材质,令人仿
白水仙水疗酒店距离塞纳河上的荣军院桥不超过200米,东侧是亚历山大三世桥,西侧是游船Bateaux-Mouches的渡口,初次下榻的人多是因其线上好评和绝佳的位置而来,而来过的人无不被酒店的氛围吸引。  酒店的门脸很低调,十九世纪奥斯曼式的建筑外观之下,和邻居的花店或民宅没有分别。大堂连接一座玻璃日光房和绿植环绕的中庭,营造悠闲的氛围。酒店不设会议厅,只有一间书房般的会客厅接待10人以内的聚会。水
北京华尔道夫酒店坐落于繁华的王府井核心地段,全铜主体建筑构成令人瞩目的地标,老北京深厚的历史文化与现代时尚的都市格调在此完美融合。  海福乐的卫浴五金隐于酒店的华丽之后,默默提供服务。毛巾架、挂衣钩、挡水条、玻璃夹... 海福乐产品的精致品质无处不在。酒店公共区域及客房随处可见海福樂门锁的精美设计,散发金属光泽的锁体与酒店的主体风格相得益彰的同时,为客人提供安全而可靠的住宿服务。推拉门五金也被广泛
2018 年 4 月 8 日,“王奕講酒店讲设计”高级研修系列课程在海福乐北京展厅成功举办,来自全国各地的业内设计师们齐聚一堂,听王奕老师讲解国外最新酒店案例,探讨当前酒店设计行业发展趋势。本次课程以《2017年以来的世界新潮流酒店及其设计》为主题,以欧洲精品酒店为实例,围绕精品酒店概念剖析近年来欧洲设计的几个新现象,总结室内设计折衷主义思潮的最新趋势及本土化演变,内容充实令人难忘。  王奕老师不
不喜豪奢大牌,偏爱一分小而美。如果你也是精品酒店爱好者,里斯本绝对值得你细细挖掘。整个城市如同一家光怪陆离的买手店,眼尖的话能从迂回婉转的老街小巷中“淘”到不少好品味的精品酒店。若恰好喜欢复古和工业风,又不想舍弃精致和舒适,能找到阿尔玛卢萨精品酒店AlmaLusa Baixa/Chiado,绝对算是淘到了宝。  Favor the small sophistication more than th