“正确的反面是谬误。但一种深刻真理的反面很可能是另一种深刻的真理。”——玻尔(Niels Bohr,二十世纪初的物理学家) 自从十九世纪七十年代以来,世人即为一宗“真人真事”而着迷。一个芳华正茂的英国女子远赴他乡,担当国王子女的家庭教师。但与国王身边的人有别,她拒绝俯首称臣,更想到什么就说什么。国王不仅不以为忤,更产生了好奇,对女教师不耻下问。谁都看得出,换了一个时势,两人之间必会擦出火花。这当然就是大多数人通过从前的歌舞剧《国王与我》(The King and I)和如今的电影《安娜与国王》(Anna and the King)所知的故事。两者都取材于安娜·连诺温斯(Anna Leonowens)的大作。这宗“真人真事”如此风行,安娜女士今天若仍再生,想到其中情节大都是杜撰或从别处抄来的,必乐不可支。
“The opposite of right is a fallacy, but the opposite of a profound truth is probably another profound truth.” “- Niels Bohr (physicist of the early twentieth century) Since the nineteenth century, seventy Since the beginning of this century, the world has become fascinated by a ”real story.“ A well-established British woman went to his hometown, as a tutor of kings and children. But unlike the king’s people, she refused to bow her head and said nothing. The king not only did not think hesitated, but also produced curiosity, ashamed to ask the female teachers. Everyone can see, for a time, the two will certainly sparks. This is, of course, what most people know from the old musical The King and I and the current movie Anna and the King. Both are based on the work of Anna Leonowens. This ”real life story " so popular, if Anna is still alive today, think of where the plot is mostly fabricated or copied from elsewhere, will be overjoyed.