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为了减轻车重,美国钢公司试制成功了冲压缸体。冲压缸体要比铸铁缸体轻67%以上。早在40年代美国微型小型轿车克莱斯勒750毫升的发动机就采用过冲压缸体。在全世界都关心节约能源的今天,一度冷下来的课题又被拣了起来,预计1990年大部分发动机都将采用冲压缸体。 In order to reduce vehicle weight, the successful trial of American steel company stamping cylinder. Stamping cylinder lighter than the cast iron cylinder 67%. As early as the 40’s Chrysler 750-milliliter American mini-compact sedan on the use of over-ram cylinder. Today, as the world cares about energy conservation, the once cold issue has been picked up again. It is estimated that in most of the engines in 1990, the stamping cylinder will be adopted.
【正】 On March 27th,2008 the 100000 t/a SBR(styrene-butadiene rubber)unit of CNPC Lanzhou Petrochemical Co.,Ltd.was com-pleted and went on stream in Lanzhou,Ga
Zhejiang Hailide New Material Co.,Ltd.is launching IPO following theapproval by China Securities Regulatory Commission.The companywill issue 32 million IPO and
China will allocate RMB30 million to support the commer-cialization technology for complete biodegradable plastics,according to the Ministry of Science and Tec
本标准适用于汽车分电器和电喇叭用电容器1技术条件1.1电容器应符合本标准要求,并按照规定的程序批准的图样及文件制造。1.2电容器除符合本标准外,还应符合JB 2261—77《汽车
PS The market transaction of PS was slack in January,affected by the heavy snow and the cold weather,the transportation was blocked,the delivery of partial com
20 0 0年 4月至 2 0 0 1年 9月 ,我们用中国西格玛公司 (江苏怀阴 )研制的防返流食管贲门记忆合金支架 ,对 3例食管贲门癌狭窄 ,进食明显受阻的老年人进行了内镜介入治疗 ,术
在全市人民共同努力下,2011年首都北京新增森林面积1.67万公顷,城市新增绿化面积1320公顷森林覆盖率达到37.6%,林木绿化率达到54%,城市绿化覆盖率达到45.6%,生态环境 With t