
来源 :中国林业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:peper127
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松干蚧是我国松林的主要害虫。由于它虫体很小,生活隐蔽,形态特化,因此在初发生的松林不易引起人们的注意。当林木严重被害,出现枝干弯曲,针叶枯黄等症状时,如不及时防治,对松林可造成毁灭性的灾害。松干蚧最早于1950年在山东崂山发现。当时只看到松树有垂枝枯死现象,怀疑是病害,至1952年在清理病枯木时,始见此虫。目前已蔓延到辽宁、江苏、浙江等省,严重威胁着松林的正常生长。 Song Kuwana pine is the main pest in our country. Because of its small insect body, life hidden, morphological specialization, so in the early pine forest is not easy to arouse people’s attention. When the forest trees are severely victimized and the symptoms such as branch bending and yellowing of needles appear, they can cause devastating disaster to pine forests if they are not controlled in time. Song Kuwani first discovered in Laoshan in Shandong in 1950. At that time, only the pine tree was withered and withered. It was suspected to be a disease. By 1952, when the dead wood was cleared, the insect began to see. Has now spread to Liaoning, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other provinces, a serious threat to the normal growth of pine forests.
超低容量喷雾是一种新的施药方法。这种方法比手动压缩式喷雾器提高工效近百倍,可节省农药10~30%,效果好,残效长,并可用于防治多种害虫。下面就其应用技术做简要介绍。 Ultr
1953年在山西解县农村工作中,我们参加了群众性的防治小麦红蜘蛛工作。为了把防治工作做得更好,我们对小麦两种红蜘蛛[Penthaleus sp.及Petrobia latens(Müller)]~*作了一
红颈天牛是锦西地区危害桃、李、杏树的主要害虫。钢屯公社张家沟大队过去有桃树1,000多棵,杏树7,000多棵,到1970年因天牛为害,果树大量死亡, Red-necked cow is a major p
一.引言榆蓝金花虫(Galerucella aenescens Fairemaire)是专门为害榆树林木及幼苗的一种害虫。牠的成虫和幼虫,均取食榆叶使成孔状,甚者食尽叶肉,仅剩叶脉。终龄幼虫,有趋集