我的爷爷奶奶相信:人,要么是诚实的,要么是不诚实的,没有介于二者中间的人。在他们起居室的墙上,挂着一幅简单明了的人生格言:“人生就像刚刚下过雪的一片原野,我走的每一步都会显示在上面。”他们不用高谈阔论,而用他们的生活实践来诠释这条格言。 他们凭本能理解?
My grandparents believe that people are either honest or dishonest, with no intervening people. On the walls of their living room is a plain, straightforward life adage: “Life is like a field that has just passed through the snow and every step of my journey is shown above.” Instead of talking about it and using their life Practice to interpret this maxim. They understand by instinct?