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湛江经济技术开发区是我国第一批成立的国家级开发区。建区15年来已成为湛江市大工业、高新技术产业较集中的区域和外商在粤西地区投资最活跃的热点地区。全区现有大小工商企业600余家,其中总投资在1000万美元以上的外商投资项目49家,已建成投产的外资企业100来家。初步形成了以通讯器材、生物制品、特种纸业、现代建筑机具、珍珠首饰、商业贸易等工商业为主产品的经济格局。各类企业的蓬勃发展,要求劳动组织和劳动力结构进行重新调整和配置。在市场经济条件下,对劳动组织、劳动力结构的调整不能象计划经济时期那样凭人的主观意志,而必须适应市场经济体制和价值规律的要 Zhanjiang Economic and Technological Development Zone is China's first batch of state-level development zones. In the past 15 years, the zone has become the most active hot spot in the west of Guangdong in the area where Zhanjiang's large-scale industries and high-tech industries are more concentrated. There are over 600 industrial and commercial enterprises in the region, including 49 foreign-invested projects with a total investment of more than 10 million U.S. dollars, and 100 foreign-funded enterprises have completed and put into production. The initial formation of the communications equipment, biological products, specialty paper, modern construction machinery, pearl jewelry, commerce and trade and other industrial and commercial products based economic pattern. The vigorous development of all kinds of enterprises requires that the labor organizations and the labor force be readjusted and allocated. Under the conditions of a market economy, the adjustment of the labor organization and the labor force structure can not be based on the subjective will of the people as in the planned economy, but must be adapted to the market economic system and the law of value
有些数学问题,我们可以从其形式着手,通过充分的联想与适当的构造使其得以转化,从而用熟悉的知识与方法来解决新问题。如果在平时的教学中,我们能恰当、适时地进行这方面的训练,不仅可以培养学生思维的自由性、创新性,还可以提供多渠道的解题途径,更能提高学生学习数学的兴趣,激发学生探索、创新的欲望。下面笔者通过一些例题来谈谈在这方面的认识。  例1.已知a、b、c∈R ,且a b c=1,求证abc ■≥27
青岛经济技术开发区与黄岛区两区合一后 ,把建设高素质干部队伍作为建设特区式开发区的关键性环节来抓 ,坚持解放思想 ,更新观念 ,在建立公开招聘、竞争上岗的新型选人用人机
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在大量调查研究的基础上 ,分析了宜昌市现有人才的结构分布及其素质状况 ,并结合宜昌市的经济发展规划 ,探讨了宜昌市在未来十年中所需人才及其培养的方向和方式 On the bas