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近年来,我国中药出口下降的原因虽然很多,但产品的重金属及农药残留含量等超标因素已成为出口受阻的重要原因之一。 一、农药污染及防治措施 造成中药材农药污染的主要原因:一是农药品种使用不当,如大量施用有机氯、有机磷这两类高毒、高残留农药。有机氯农药又以六六六及DDT残留危害严重、该类农药在人体内具有浓缩、累积及胚胎转移现象,其在土壤中的残留期为4~30年。有机磷农药如久效磷、甲胺磷、甲基1605、呋喃丹等,这些农药都有高毒、高残留和三致(致癌、致畸、致突变)作用。二是滥用、误用农药问题突出。大多数中药材产于老、少、边、穷地区,生产零星分散,农民自行管理,自主经营,滥用、误用农药的问题严重。鉴于此,在中药材生产中应降低农药的污染,并采取以下技术措施: In recent years, although there are many reasons for the decline of China’s exports of traditional Chinese medicine, excessive factors such as the content of heavy metals and pesticide residues in products have become one of the important reasons for the export block. First, pesticide pollution and prevention and control measures The main causes of pesticide contamination of traditional Chinese medicine: First, improper use of pesticide varieties, such as the large number of applications of organic chlorine, organic phosphorus, two types of highly toxic, high residual pesticides. Organochlorine pesticides and six six six and DDT residues serious harm, such pesticides in the human body has a concentration, accumulation and embryo transfer phenomenon, the residual in the soil for 4 to 30 years. Organophosphorus pesticides such as monocrotophos, methamidophos, methyl 1605, carbofuran, etc., these pesticides have high toxicity, high residue and Sanzhi (carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenic) effect. Second, abuse, misuse of pesticides outstanding. Most Chinese herbal medicines are produced in old, less, edge and poor areas, sporadic production, farmer self-management, self-management, abuse, misuse of pesticides serious problem. In view of this, in the production of Chinese herbal medicines should reduce the pollution of pesticides and take the following technical measures:
湖南省新晃侗族自治县委、县政府多方位、多渠道筹集资金,协调组织乡镇农机户,新建280多个乡镇村组农机服务队 (组 ),围绕田间大“市场 ”,展示新机具、新技术,办农民难办的
一、改宽袋栽培为窄袋栽培 生产上常采用25厘米×50厘米的塑料宽街栽培金针菇,但实践证明,宽贷易感染杂菌,而且菇蕾少时,子实体易弯曲,影响质量.达不到盖小、柄长、色浅、肥
武汉南华高速船舶工程有限公司为云南省西双版纳海事局设计、建造的“云海巡11”监督艇于2000年11月11日在景洪市顺利交付船东使用。rn  “云海巡11”监督艇是澜沧江上的第