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一、“骂”学生的必然性“骂”学生,不是指拿污言秽语恶语相加于学生、发泄自己的愤怒、打击学生自尊心,让学生产生排斥甚至不信任师生关系。而是指当学生犯错时,以适合的、合理的方式给学生指出问题和矛盾所在,让学生不排斥接受你的教育,然后内化到自己往后的行动中。简单来说“骂”学生是有效地批评教育学生。在日常的教学教育环境中,教师和学生在很多方面是不平等的。比如,高中教学过程,对学生而言是第一次体验,但是 First, “curse ” the inevitability of students “curse ” students, not referring to vulgar language to add to the students, vent their anger, combat student self-esteem, so that students reject even do not trust teacher-student relationship. It means that when a student makes a mistake, he or she points out the problem and the contradiction in a suitable and reasonable way for the student not to reject accepting your education and then to internalize his future actions. Put simply “curse ” Students are effectively criticizing students for education. In everyday teaching and learning environments, teachers and students are not equal in many ways. For example, high school teaching is the first experience for students, however
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