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从一个服务生到一个国内顶级上市公司CEO,有多远的距离?最新的励志大片显示是20年。这就是陆兆禧,1969年出生的他,在2013年5月10日正式接替马云成为阿里巴巴集团CEO。或许时陆兆禧来说,从一个“门童”到一个“掌门”的这20年间,他的角色并没有变化,他或许还将扮演那个活跃在幕后的“服务生”。安静和火暴的“投机者”从广州大学毕业后,陆兆禧的第一份工作是在一家四星级酒店当服务生。陆兆禧说:“大学毕业在酒店端盘子,有时心里也不是个滋味。但转念想想,人生也和那条回家的小路有上下坡 How far is it from a waiter to a CEO of a top domestic public company? The latest inspirational blockbuster is 20 years old. This is Lu Zhaoxi, born in 1969, on May 10, 2013 officially replaced Jack Ma became CEO of Alibaba Group. Perhaps Lui Siu-young, from a ”doorman“ to a ”head“ of the past 20 years, his role has not changed, he may also play the active behind the scenes ”waiter“ . Quiet and Hot ”Speculators“ After graduating from Guangzhou University, Lu Zhaoxi’s first job was to be a waiter in a four-star hotel. Lu Zhaoxi said: ”University graduated from the hotel side dishes, and sometimes my heart is not a taste .But I think about it, life and the road that goes home downhill
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密树横枝织绿帷,满山空翠湿人衣。来观破壁雪龙飞。  舂石冲崖三亿载,磨成玉釜貯琉璃。谁能到此悟天机。
设若中国要走向小康社会,一个标志便是对法律服务的消费大幅增长? Given that China needs to move toward a well-off society, one sign is that the consumption of lega
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