Crystal Structures and Characterizations of Bis(pyrrolidinedithiocarbamato) Cu(II) and Zn(II) Comple

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The structures of [Cu(S_2CN(CH_2)_4)_2] (1) and [Zn_2(S_2CN-(CH_2)_4)_4] (2) have been determined by X-ray crystallography analysis. They are all isomorphous and triclinic, space group of P1, with Z=1. The lattice parameters of compound 1 is: a=0.63483(2) nm, b=0.74972(3) nm, c=0.78390(1) nm, α=75.912(2)°, β=78.634(2)° and γ=86.845(2)°; compound 2: a=0.78707(6) nm, b=0.79823(6) nm, c=1.23246(9) nm, α=74.813(2)°, β=73.048(2)° and γ=88.036(2)°. The copper atom is located on a crystallographic inversion center and zinc atom lies across centers of symmetry. The Cu(II) ion has a square-planar geometry while Zn(II) has a distorted tetrahedral geometry. The thermal gravity (TG) data indicate that no structural transitions in the two compounds were abserved and the decomposition products can adsorb gas. Also they all have a high thermal stability. The structures of [Cu (S_2CN (CH_2) _4) _2] (1) and [Zn_2 (S_2CN- (CH_2) _4) _4] (2) have been determined by X-ray crystallography analysis. They are all isomorphous and triclinic, a = 0.63483 (2) nm, b = 0.74972 (3) nm, c = 0.78390 (1) nm, α = 75.912 β = 78.634 (2) ° and γ = 86.845 (2) °; compound 2: a = 0.78707 (6) nm, b = 0.79823 (6) nm, c = The copper atom is located on a crystallographic inversion center and the zinc atom lies across centers of symmetry. The Cu (II) ion has a square-planar geometry while Zn The thermal gravity (TG) data indicates that no structural transitions in the two compounds were abserved and the decomposition products can adsorb gas. They also have a high thermal stability.
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